.. _tesseract_models:

Tesseract Models with the Python SDK

The Tesseract Compute Engine allows you to scale spatio-temporal analysis to massive scales and fuse
datasets that are in different formats and locations with a simple job description. Running arbitrary
processing or models is done through the use of Docker containers.

In this tutorial we will cover how to create the docker image that will do the processing.
The Tesseract Python SDK helps you to build docker containers that can be used with the Tesseract
Compute Engine.


To use a docker image in Tesseract you just need to follow these steps:

  1. Install the SDK
  2. Create python script that will be the entrypoint
  3. Implement two required functions: `inference` and `get_model_info`
  4. Build, validate and push the docker image to a registry

We will go over all of these steps with a simple example that will serve as a template to build
other, more complex models.


The SDK can be installed with pip:

.. code:: bash

    pip install tesseract-sdk

Test that the install worked by running:

.. code:: bash

    tesseract-sdk --help

This will allow us to use the tesseract CLI to validate our image.

Python Script

The python script will be the entrypoint to the docker image. It will be called by the Tesseract
Compute Engine and will be responsible for loading the model,running inference or any other processing
you would like to do on the inputs. The script only needs to have two functions: `inference` and 
`get_model_info`. The `inference` function will be called for each chunk of data to be processed and
the `get_model_info` function just lets Tesseract know what inputs and outputs should be expected 
so that some basic validation can be performed.

Lets look at a minimal example script called `calculate_ndvi.py`:

.. code:: python

    import logging
    from tesseract import serve
    import numpy as np

    def inference(assets: dict, logger: logging.Logger, **kwargs) -> dict:
        logger.info("Running my custom calculate ndvi model")

        red = assets['landsat'][0, 0, :, :].astype('float32') # red band of landsat. Can also use $0 to get the first input
        nir = assets['landsat'][0, 1, :, :].astype('float32') # nir band of landsat.

        ndvi = (nir - red) / (nir + red + 1e-30) # Calculate NDVI. Small factor added to avoid divide by zero
        ndvi = ndvi.reshape(1, 1, 1024, 1024) # reshape to match model output

        return {'ndvi': ndvi}

    def get_model_info() -> dict:
        return {
            "inputs": [{
                "dtype": "uint16",
                "shape": [1, 2, 1024, 1024]
            "outputs": [{
                "dtype": "float32",
                "shape": [1, 1, 1024, 1024]

    if __name__ == "__main__":
        serve(inference, get_model_info)

Lets look at what each part of this script is doing. First of all the `inference` function can take
several arguments, in this case we are using `assets` and `logger`.

The `assets` argument is a dictionary that contains all of the inputs to the model. Assets can be
accessed in two ways, by the input name, or by its position in the tesseract job. In this example we
use the input in the first position ($0). Each key in `assets` will contain a 4D numpy array with
one chunk of data from the input. The array will always have dimensions [time, bands, height, width].
That is, the first dimension is always the number of time steps, the second is the number of bands, 
and the last two are height and width, or y and x. In the example we are using a non-temporal 
dataset, so the time dimension is 1.

The `logger` argument is a python logger that can be used to output information to the Tesseract logs.
These logs are accessible from the tesseract job after running. We will look at this later.

The processing that is done in the `inference` function is very simple, it just sums all of the bands
that are passed as input. This is not a very useful model but shows that we can perform any processing
we want on the input assets. The output of the `inference` function is a dictionary with the results
as numpy arrays similar to the `assets` input. In this case we are returning a single output called 
`sum_of_inputs`.  Notice that its second dimension will have size 1 because we have summed all of
the bands.

The `get_model_info` function is used to tell Tesseract what inputs and outputs to expect. This is
used to validate the model before running it. The inputs and outputs are defined as a list of
dictionaries. Each dictionary has three keys: `name`, `dtype` and `shape`. The `name` is the name of
input or output. The `dtype` is the data type of the input or output. Any numpy dtype strings will 
work for these (eg. 'float32', '<i2', etc...). The `shape` is the shape of the data that is expected.
This will always be a 4D array with dimensions [time, bands, height, width]. In the case where
outputs are not temporal, the time dimension will be 1. We will discuss how to run validation later.

Building the Docker Image

Now that we have our python script we need to build the docker image. We only need to install any
dependecies that are needed to run the python script and set it as the entrypoint. Our dockerfile
should look like this:

.. code:: docker

    FROM --platform=linux/amd64 python:3.10-slim-buster
    RUN python -m pip install --upgrade pip \
        && pip install tesseract-sdk numpy

    COPY calculate_ndvi.py /calculate_ndvi.py
    ENTRYPOINT ["python", "-u", "/calculate_ndvi.py"]

This will install the tesseract-sdk and numpy and then copy our python script to the image. When the 
image is started it will run the python script as the entrypoint. The `-u` flag is important because
it will make python use unbuffered output. This ensures that logs get output to the Tesseract logs.
We can then build the image. In this example we will tag the image as `seerai/calculate_ndvi:latest`
so that the image will be pushed to the SeerAI docker registry. If you are going to be pushing an
image to your own registry you will need to tag it appropriately.

.. code:: bash

    docker build -t seerai/calculate_ndvi:latest .

Validating the Docker Image

Now that we have our docker image we can validate it with the tesseract CLI. This will ensure that
the image has all of the required inputs and outputs and that the image can be run. To validate the
image we can run:

.. code:: bash

    tesseract-sdk validate seerai/calculate_ndvi:latest

This tool will spin up the docker image and attempt to simulate it running in Tesseract. It then
passes some random data to the model and checks that the outputs are the correct shape and type.
The shape of the random data that is generated is based on the `get_model_info` function and 
likewise the shape of the outputs is checked against what is defined there as well.
It is also possible to pass real data to the model to validate that it is working correctly. This
will be covered in another tutorial. When the tool runs you should see output like this:

.. image:: ../../_static/img/tesseract_validation.png
    :width: 95%
    :align: center

Pushing the Docker Image

With a validated docker image in hand we just need to put the image somewhere that Tesseract can get
to it. This can be just about any Docker registry. In this example we will use Docker Hub. To push
the image to Docker Hub we first need to login:

.. code:: bash

    docker login

Then we can push the image:

.. code:: bash

    docker push seerai/calculate_ndvi:latest

Whats Next?

In this tutorial we covered how to build a Tesseract model using the Python SDK. We looked at how to
write the python script that will be the entrypoint to the docker image and how to build and validate
the docker image. For information on running the model in Tesseract see the 
:ref:`Running Tesseract Jobs<tesseract_jobs>` tutorial.