
Source code for geodesic.account.tokens

from typing import List
from geodesic.bases import _APIObject
from geodesic.client import raise_on_error
from geodesic.config import get_config
from geodesic.descriptors import _IntDescr, _StringDescr
from geodesic.service import ServiceClient
from geodesic.utils import deprecated

ted_client = ServiceClient("ted", 1, "share")

[docs]class Token(_APIObject): """The token class represents the share tokens created when a user shares a dataset through Ted Args: **token: values corresponding to the token and the dataset it shares """ token = _StringDescr( doc="unique 32-bit token created by Ted and used to access a shared dataset" ) servicer = _StringDescr(doc="the servicer of the dataset shared by the token") dataset = _StringDescr(doc="the dataset shared by the token") project = _StringDescr(doc="the project of the dataset shared by the token") ttl = _IntDescr(doc="the remaining time in seconds until the token expires") _limit_setitem = ["token", "servicer", "dataset", "project", "ttl"] def __init__(self, **token): self.__client = ted_client super().__init__(self, **token) @property def url(self) -> str: """ Returns the URL that can be used to access a datset shared through Ted on the current environment Raises: requests.HTTPErrror for fault Returns: the URL to access the token in question """ return "{api_host}/ted/api/v1/share/{token}/".format( api_host=get_config().host, token=self.token ) @property def feature_service_url(self) -> str: """gets a url to an GeoServices FeatureService Returns a URL pointing to a feature service that can be used in ArcGIS. DEPRECATED: use get_feature_service_url instead """ if self.servicer != "geoservices": raise ValueError(f"token is for '{self.servicer}', must be for 'geoservices'") return f"{self.url}rest/services/{self.dataset}/FeatureServer" @property def image_service_url(self) -> str: """gets a url to an GeoServices ImageService Returns a URL pointing to an image service that can be used in ArcGIS. DEPRECATED: use get_image_service_url instead """ if self.servicer != "geoservices": raise ValueError(f"token is for '{self.servicer}', must be for 'geoservices'") return f"{self.url}rest/services/{self.dataset}/ImageServer" @property def vector_tile_service_url(self) -> str: """gets a url to an GeoServices VectorTileService Returns a URL pointing to a vector tile service that can be used in ArcGIS. DEPRECATED: use get_vector_tile_service_url instead """ if self.servicer != "geoservices": raise ValueError(f"token is for '{self.servicer}', must be for 'geoservices'") return f"{self.url}rest/services/{self.dataset}/VectorTileServer"
[docs] def get_vector_tile_service_url(self): """gets a url to an GeoServices VectorTileService Returns a URL pointing to a vector tile service that can be used in ArcGIS. """ return self.vector_tile_service_url
[docs] def get_image_service_url(self): """gets a url to an GeoServices ImageService Returns a URL pointing to an image service that can be used in ArcGIS. """ return self.image_service_url
[docs] def get_feature_service_url(self): """gets a url to an GeoServices FeatureService Returns a URL pointing to a feature service that can be used in ArcGIS. """ return self.feature_service_url
[docs] def get_ogc_vector_tile_url( self, collection: str = None, tile_matrix_set_id: str = "WebMercatorQuad", tile_matrix_id: str = "z", row_name: str = "y", col_name: str = "x", format: str = "mvt", ) -> str: """gets a url to an OGC API: Tiles service Returns a URL pointing to a vector tile service that can be used in web mapping. """ if format not in ["mvt", "pbf", "vectors.pbf"]: raise ValueError( f"format '{format}' is not supported, must be 'mvt', 'pbf', or 'vectors.pbf'" ) return self._get_ogc_tile_url( format, collection, tile_matrix_set_id, tile_matrix_id, row_name, col_name, )
[docs] def get_ogc_raster_tile_url( self, collection: str = None, tile_matrix_set_id: str = "WebMercatorQuad", tile_matrix_id: str = "z", row_name: str = "y", col_name: str = "x", format: str = "png", tile_path: str = "coverage/tiles", ) -> str: """gets a url to an OGC API: Tiles service Returns a URL pointing to a raster tile service that can be used in web mapping. """ if format not in ["png", "jpg", "jpeg", "tif"]: raise ValueError( f"format '{format}' is not supported, must be 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', or 'tif'" ) return self._get_ogc_tile_url( format, collection, tile_matrix_set_id, tile_matrix_id, row_name, col_name, tile_path=tile_path, )
def _get_ogc_tile_url( self, format: str, collection: str = None, tile_matrix_set_id: str = "WebMercatorQuad", tile_matrix_id: str = "z", row_name: str = "y", col_name: str = "x", tile_path: str = "tiles", ) -> str: if self.servicer != "tiles": raise ValueError(f"token is for '{self.servicer}', must be for 'tiles'") if collection is None: collection = self.dataset suffix = "{" + tile_matrix_id + "}/{" + row_name + "}/{" + col_name + "}" + f".{format}" dataset_root = f"{self.url}collections/{collection}/{tile_path}/{tile_matrix_set_id}/" return f"{dataset_root}{suffix}"
[docs] def get_feature_layer_url(self, layer_id: int = 0) -> str: """gets a url to an GeoServices Feature Layer Returns a URL pointing to a layer that can directly be used in ArcGIS. Args: layer: the layer ID to expose Returns: a URL to to layer """ return f"{self.feature_service_url}/{layer_id}"
feature_layer_url = deprecated("1.0.0", "Token.feature_layer_url")(get_feature_layer_url)
[docs] def update_ttl(self, ttl: int): """ Update the time to live of a token in redis Args: ttl: the amount of seconds before the token should expire. Valid values are either -1, representing an infinite token life, or n, where 0 < n <= 2147483647. Raises: requests.HTTPErrror for fault Note: If successful, nothing is returned. """ raise_on_error(ted_client.patch(str(self.token) + "/" + str(ttl))) return
[docs] def unshare(self): """ Expires an active token created by the user, revoking access from anyone using the token Raises: requests.HTTPErrror for fault Note: If successful, nothing is returned. Deleting a non-existent token does not raise an error. """ raise_on_error(ted_client.delete(str(self.token))) return
[docs]def get_tokens() -> List[Token]: """ Returns all active tokens created by a user Raises: requests.HTTPErrror for fault """ res = raise_on_error(ted_client.get("")) js = res.json() if js == {}: return [] return [Token(**token) for token in js["tokens"]]


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