
Source code for geodesic.cli.cli

import json
import geodesic.config as config
import geodesic.oauth as oauth
import argparse

[docs]def authenticate_command(args): auth = oauth.AuthManager() if args.port is not None: auth.authenticate(port=args.port) else: auth.authenticate(port=8080)
[docs]def get_command(args): cm = config.ConfigManager() if args.resource == "clusters": clusters, active = cm.list_configs() for cluster in clusters: if cluster == active: print(f"[*] {cluster}") else: print(f"[ ] {cluster}") elif args.resource == "active-config": cfg = cm.get_active_config() print(json.dumps(cfg.to_dict(), indent=4, sort_keys=True))
[docs]def set_command(args): cm = config.ConfigManager() if args.resource == "cluster": active = args.value cm.set_active_config(active)
[docs]def validate_command(args): import geodesic.tesseract.models.validate as validate validator = validate.ValidationManager(image=args.image, cli=True)
[docs]def make_parser(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog="geodesic") parser.set_defaults(func=lambda args: parser.print_help()) subparsers = parser.add_subparsers( title="subcommand", description="valid subcommands", help="which action to run" ) # Authentication Parser stuff parser_authenticate = subparsers.add_parser( "authenticate", help="authenticate your account for use with this API" ) parser_authenticate.add_argument( "-p", "--port", required=False, type=int, help="a port on your machine which can be used to run the code fetching server, " "removing the need to manually copy-paste auth code. " "If not specified, defaults to 8080. " "Please note that not all ports may be enabled in your OAuth provider's list " "of allowed callback URLs.", ) parser_authenticate.set_defaults(func=authenticate_command) # Cluster config parser stuff parser_get = subparsers.add_parser("get", help="get resource") parser_get.add_argument( "resource", choices=["clusters", "active-config"], help="get specified resource. Output depends on the requested resource", ) parser_get.set_defaults(func=get_command) parser_set = subparsers.add_parser("set", help="set resource") parser_set.add_argument("resource", choices=["cluster"], type=str, help="resources to set") parser_set.add_argument("value", type=str, help="resource value to set (e.g. cluster name)") parser_set.set_defaults(func=set_command) # Tesseract Model image testing parser_model_validation = subparsers.add_parser( "validate", help="validate your model container for use in Tesseract jobs" ) parser_model_validation.add_argument( "image", type=str, help="the image and tag to validate, e.g. my-model-container:v0.0.1", ) parser_model_validation.set_defaults(func=validate_command) return parser
[docs]def main(): args = make_parser().parse_args() args.func(args)
if __name__ == "__main__": main()


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