
Source code for geodesic.entanglement.object

from functools import lru_cache
import re
import json
from datetime import datetime
from dateutil.parser import isoparse

from typing import DefaultDict, Tuple, Union, List

from shapely.geometry.base import BaseGeometry
from geodesic.client import raise_on_error
from geodesic.account.projects import (
from geodesic.descriptors import (
from geodesic.entanglement.graph import Graph
from geodesic.service import ServiceClient
from geodesic.bases import _APIObject
from geodesic.stac import Item
from geodesic.utils import datetime_to_utc, deprecated, DeferredImport

entanglement_client = ServiceClient("entanglement", 1)
predicates_client = ServiceClient("entanglement", 1, "predicates")
tqdm = DeferredImport("tqdm")

class_re = re.compile(r"^[a-zA-Z]+[a-z]*$")
qualifier_re = re.compile(r"^(?:[a-z]+[a-z\d-]*|\*)$")
name_re = re.compile(r"^(?:[a-z\d]+[a-z\d-]*)$")
predicate_name_re = re.compile(r"^(?:[a-z\d\_]+[a-z\d\-\_]*)$")
char_sub_re = re.compile(r"[^a-z\d-]")
nomatch_msg = (
    "{field} must start with a number or letter and only contain numbers,"
    "letters, - or _ and start with a letter"

registered_object_classes = {}
valid_spatial_predicates = ["intersects", "within", "contains", "near"]

def _get_traits_cached(traits: Tuple[str] = None) -> List[dict]:
    params = {}
    if traits is not None:
        params["traits"] = traits

    res = raise_on_error(predicates_client.get("traits", **params))
    traits = res.json().get("traits", [])
    for t in traits:
        t["predicates"] = [Predicate(name=p) for p in t.get("predicates", [])]
    return traits

[docs]def get_traits(traits: List[str] = None, refresh: bool = False) -> List[dict]: """ Gets all registered traits and their predicates. A trait modifies an object class to allow certain kinds of connections between objects. For example, an "Observer" trait allows the "can-observe" predicate between two edges. If traits are specified, returns the predicates for each of these traits, if registered. Args: traits: a list of trait names to check refresh: by default, these names are cached. If you want to grab the latest from the server, set refresh to True Returns: traits: a list of dictionaries with the keys 'name' and 'predicates'. 'predicates' contains a list of Predicate objects for that trait. Example: >>> get_traits() [{'name': 'Correlator', 'predicates': [{'name': 'correlates-with']}, {'name': 'Linker', 'predicates': [{'name': 'links']}, {'name': 'Observer', 'predicates': ['name': 'can-observe']}] """ if refresh: _get_traits_cached.cache_clear() if traits is None: return _get_traits_cached() return _get_traits_cached(tuple(traits))
@lru_cache(maxsize=None) def _get_predicates_cached(trait: str = None) -> List["Predicate"]: params = {} if trait is not None: params["trait"] = trait res = raise_on_error(predicates_client.get("", trait=trait)) return [Predicate(name=p) for p in res.json().get("predicates", [])]
[docs]def get_predicates(trait: str = None, refresh: bool = False) -> List["Predicate"]: """ Gets all registered predicate names (with no trait information). Good for a quick look into what predicate names are available to you. If a trait is specified, gets only predicates for that given trait. Args: trait: a trait name to check for predicate names refresh: by default, these names are cached. If you want to grab the latest from the server, set refresh to True Returns: a list of Predicate objects. These can be used (or copied) to form Connections """ if refresh: _get_predicates_cached.cache_clear() return _get_predicates_cached(trait=trait)
[docs]def add_predicates(trait: str, predicates: List[dict]): """Add predicate definitions to Entanglement. Predicates must be registered under a trait name and can be be specified with a few additional parameters. A Predicate definition looks like this .. code-block:: { "name": "my-predicate", "unidirectional": False, # default is False "one_to_one": False # default is False } `name` should match the regex ^[a-z]+[a-z\-]*$, meaning it should begin with a letter and only contain lowercase letters and hyphens. This is primarily for uniformity when reading graphs. The name should be short, but descriptive. It can convey multiple meanings, but that meaning should be able to be clarified by specifying edge attributes. `unidirectional` is a boolean that makes an edge only traversible in one direction unless explicitly requested. Not recommended for the majority of applications. Edges are directional by default. `one_to_one` restricts an edge to only connect a node to exactly one other instead of to multiple nodes. """ _predicates = [] for p in predicates: if not isinstance(p, dict): raise ValueError(f"invalid predicate {p}") _predicates.append(p) params = {"trait": trait, "predicates": _predicates} raise_on_error(**params))
def _get_project(project: Union[str, Project]) -> str: if project is None: project = get_active_project().uid elif not isinstance(project, (str, Project)): raise ValueError(f"unknown project {project}") else: if isinstance(project, str): project = get_project(project) project = project.uid else: project = project.uid return project
[docs]def get_objects( *, search: str = None, version_datetime: Union[str, datetime] = None, object_class: str = None, domain: str = None, category: str = None, type: str = None, xid: str = None, geometry: BaseGeometry = None, spatial_predicate: str = "intersects", distance: float = 0.0, project: Union[str, Project] = None, limit: int = 500, page_size: int = 500, as_graph: bool = False, ) -> List["Object"]: """ Search for objects in Entanglement. There are a few ways of requesting/filtering them. A blank query will return the first 500 nodes for a project (in order of creation). Args: search: a search string with which to query object names and descriptions. Anything that matches this query will be returned in the specified project. version_datetime: search for versions of nodes that were valid at this datetime. Defaults to `None` which will only search for latest nodes. object_class: filters the search by object class (e.g. observable, dataset, entity, etc) domain: filters the search by domain category: filters the search by category type: filters the search by object type xid: filters by external ID geometry: is a spatial filter is designed, this can be any shapely geometry, GeoJSON as dict, or other object with a __geo_interface__ attribute. Geometries must be in WGS84 lon/lat. spatial_predicate: A spatial predicate for the filter, either 'contains', 'within', 'intersects', or 'near' distance: If the predicate is 'near', a distance, in meters, to query from the point. project: a Project or project name/alias to get objects for. A query can only be for a single project. If you want objects for multiple projects, break up into separate queries. limit: The max number of objects to return (500 by default). Set to None to return everything matching a query (USE WITH CAUTION, GRAPHS CAN CONTAIN MANY NODES) page_size: The number of results per request. This shouldn't need to be changed unless you're running into issues. as_graph: If True, will return as a Graph object instead of a list. Returns: Either a Graph or list of objects matching the query. """ # Translate the project in the argument into a project name to pass to the query. project = _get_project(project) # Get all objects? get_all = False if limit is None: get_all = True # Paging and default parameters. page = 1 params = {"page": page, "page_size": page_size, "project": project} # Basic query parameters if search is not None: params["search"] = search # XID if xid is not None: params["xid"] = xid # Find object versions that were valid at a specific datetime if version_datetime is not None: # check for valid format if isinstance(version_datetime, str): params["datetime"] = datetime_to_utc(isoparse(version_datetime)).isoformat() elif isinstance(version_datetime, datetime): params["datetime"] = datetime_to_utc(version_datetime).isoformat() else: raise ValueError( "version_datetime must either be RCF3339 formatted string, or datetime.datetime" ) # Geo query parameters if geometry is not None: if not isinstance(geometry, (dict, BaseGeometry)): raise ValueError( "geometry must be either a WGS84 GeoJSON as a dict or a shapely geometry" ) if spatial_predicate not in valid_spatial_predicates: raise ValueError( "spatial predicate not understood, " f"valid spatial predicates are: {','.join(valid_spatial_predicates)}" ) spatial = {} if isinstance(geometry, dict): spatial["geometry"] = geometry else: spatial["geometry"] = geometry.__geo_interface__ spatial["predicate"] = spatial_predicate if spatial_predicate == "near": if spatial["geometry"]["type"] != "Point": raise ValueError("near predicate only works on Point types") spatial["distance"] = distance elif spatial_predicate == "intersects": if spatial["geometry"]["type"] != "Polygon": raise ValueError("intersects only works on Polygon types") elif spatial_predicate == "within": if spatial["geometry"]["type"] != "Polygon": raise ValueError("within only works on Polygon types") elif spatial_predicate == "contains": if spatial["geometry"]["type"] not in ["Polygon", "Point"]: raise ValueError("contains only works on Point or Polygon types") params["spatial"] = json.dumps(spatial) uri = "objects" if object_class is not None: uri = f"{uri}/{object_class.title()}" else: uri = f"{uri}/*" if domain is not None: uri = f"{uri}/{domain.lower()}" else: uri = f"{uri}/*" if category is not None: uri = f"{uri}/{category.lower()}" else: uri = f"{uri}/*" if type is not None: uri = f"{uri}/{type.lower()}" # run the query. res = raise_on_error(entanglement_client.get(uri, **params)) res_json = res.json() # Parse the results. objects = [Object(**o) for o in res_json.get("objects", [])] connections = [ Connection(**c) for c in res_json.get("connections", []) if not c.get("predicate")["name"].startswith("~") ] # Page through extra results. while get_all or (len(objects) < limit): params["page"] += 1 res = raise_on_error(entanglement_client.get(uri, **params)) res_json = res.json() next_obj = [Object(**o) for o in res_json.get("objects", [])] next_conn = [ Connection(**c) for c in res_json.get("connections", []) if not c.get("predicate")["name"].startswith("~") ] if len(next_obj) < page_size and len(next_conn) < page_size: objects += next_obj connections += next_conn break objects += next_obj connections += next_conn if as_graph: return Graph(nodes=objects, edges=connections) return objects
[docs]def add_objects( objects: list, overwrite: bool = False, project: Union[str, Project] = None, batch_size: int = 1000, show_progress: bool = False, ) -> DefaultDict[str, "Object"]: """ Add new nodes or update existing nodes. Args: objects: a list of objects to add/update. All should have the project set or they will be updated from the specified project (or active project is no project is specified) overwrite: (deprecated) If overwrite is True, will overwrite existing nodes, otherwise will raise an exception if they exist. This will be ignored because data versioning covers this. project: which project to add them to. batch_size: the max number of objects to write in a single request show_progress: if True, will show a tqdm progress bar (if available) Returns: A dictionary of Objects successfully added, keyed by the object's full name """ if project is not None: project = _get_project(project) else: project = _get_project(get_active_project()) _objects = [] for obj in objects: o = Object(**obj) o.project = project _objects.append(o) added = _batch_add( "objects", _objects, batch_size=batch_size, project=project, show_progress=show_progress, error_on_exists=False, ) return added
def _batch_add( endpoint: str, values: List[Union["Object", "Connection"]], batch_size: int = 250, project_uid: str = None, show_progress: bool = False, **extra_params: dict, ) -> DefaultDict[str, "Object"]: if project_uid is None: project_uid = _get_project(get_active_project()) i = 0 j = min(batch_size, len(values)) progress = None if show_progress: try: progress = tqdm.tqdm(total=len(values)) except ImportError: pass objects = {} while j <= len(values) and (i != j): # The endpoint name is the same as the name of the list of values to post. params = { endpoint: values[i:j], **extra_params, } if project_uid is not None: params["project"] = project_uid res = raise_on_error(, **params)) res_json = res.json() if "objects" in res_json: for obj in res_json["objects"]: o = Object(**obj) objects[o.full_name] = o if progress is not None: progress.update(j - i) i = j j = min(i + batch_size, len(values)) if progress is not None: progress.close() return objects
[docs]def delete_objects( objects_or_uids: list, project: Union[str, Project] = None, hard: bool = False, show_prompt: bool = True, ) -> None: """ Delete objects by providing a list of objects or just their UIDs. Args: objects_or_uids: a list of Objects or UID strings to delete. If this is a list of Objects, the 'uid' field must be set. project: which project to delete them from. This is required, but if left as None, will attempt to delete from existing project. hard: permanently removes objects from Entanglement show_prompt: when hard deleting prompts user for input to confirm Raises: requests.HTTPErrror for fault. Note: If objects or UIDs aren't found under existing project, won't raise an exception. """ project = _get_project(project) if hard and show_prompt: confirm = input( "are you sure you want to completely delete this connection?" "connection will be irrecoverably deleted (type 'YES' to confirm) " ) if confirm != "YES": return # If they are uids, assume they are in the specified project and try to delete if all([isinstance(o, str) for o in objects_or_uids]): uids = objects_or_uids raise_on_error( entanglement_client.delete( "objects", uids=uids, project=project, hard=hard, show_prompt=False ) ) return # If they are objects, find all projects and delete from those. objects_by_project = DefaultDict(list) for obj in objects_or_uids: o = Object(**obj) objects_by_project[o.project.uid].append(o.uid) for project, uids in objects_by_project.items(): raise_on_error( entanglement_client.delete( "objects", uids=uids, project=project, hard=hard, show_prompt=False ) )
[docs]def add_connections( connections: list, overwrite=False, project: Union[str, Project] = None, batch_size=250, show_progress=False, ): """ Adds connections given a list of triples (Connection objects). Args: connections: list of Connections or dicts of connections to add. Every object must exist and have a UID. overwrite: (deprecated) Overwrite this edge/connection if it exists. This parameter is ignored project: This will overwrite the project if none is specified on a connection. batch_size: The number of connections to write in a single batch show_progress: If True, will show a tqdm progress bar. Raises: requests.HTTPError for fault. """ if project is not None: project = _get_project(project) _batch_add( "connections", [Connection(**connection) for connection in connections], project=project, batch_size=batch_size, show_progress=show_progress, overwrite=True, )
[docs]def delete_connections( connections: list, project: Union[str, Project] = None, hard=False, show_prompt=True ): """ Deletes connections given a list of triples (Connection objects). Args: connections: list of Connections or dicts of connections to delete. Every object must exist and have a UID. project: This will overwrite the project if none is specified on a connection. Raises: requests.HTTPError for fault. """ if project is not None: project = _get_project(project) connections = [Connection(**connection) for connection in connections] for c in connections: if project is not None: c.subject.project = project c.object.project = project if hard and show_prompt: confirm = input( "are you sure you want to completely delete this connection?" "connection will be irrecoverably deleted (type 'YES' to confirm) " ) if confirm != "YES": return params = {"connections": connections, "project": project, "hard": hard} return raise_on_error(entanglement_client.delete_with_body("connections", **params)).json()
def _register(object_type: type) -> None: global registered_types k = object_type.__name__.lower() registered_object_classes[k] = object_type class ObjectResolver(type): def __call__(cls, **obj) -> "Object": if cls != Object: if "class" not in obj: obj["class"] = cls.__name__ return type.__call__(cls, **obj) global registered_object_classes obj_class = obj.get("class", None) if obj_class is None: obj_class = obj.get("object_class", None) if obj_class is None: cls = Object else: cls = registered_object_classes.get(obj_class.lower(), Object) return type.__call__(cls, **obj)
[docs]class Object(_APIObject, metaclass=ObjectResolver): """Object represents a node in a graph in Entanglement. Objects are classified by their class (keyword: object_class), domain, category, type, and name. These values uniquely identify an object. Name and class must be specified, but the rest can remain empty if desired. These properties help to categorize nodes that are similar in name, but represent different things. Object also has a metaclass, so calling the Object constructer may return a different type based on the specified `object_class` (or `class` if created using a dictionary.). """ project = _ProjectDescr(doc="the project/subgraph this object belongs to") name = _RegexDescr(regex=name_re, doc="the name of this object, unique to the project") alias = _StringDescr(doc="a short name/description for this object - doesn't need to be unique") xid = _StringDescr( doc="An external reference id to another graph or system that references this object. \ This has no constraints, but can be used to look up an item. This does not need to be \ unique within the graph or project, but should reference a unique object elsewhere. \ A typical example is an RDF IRI including the namespace prefix (e.g. https;//" ) object_class = _RegexDescr( regex=class_re, doc="the class of this object (e.g. Observable, Entity, Dataset...)", dict_name="class", ) domain = _RegexDescr( regex=qualifier_re, empty_allowed=True, default="*", doc="the domain of this object", ) category = _RegexDescr( regex=qualifier_re, empty_allowed=True, default="*", doc="the category of this object", ) type = _RegexDescr( regex=qualifier_re, empty_allowed=True, default="*", doc="the type of this object", ) description = _StringDescr(doc="a text description of this object") geometry = _GeometryDescr( doc="a geometry for this object. Can be anything, but only points/polygons are indexed" ) item = _DictDescr( doc="an arbitrary dictionary of info about this object. Must be JSON serializable" ) def __init__(self, **obj): self._geometry = None self._graph = None # Entanglement client self._client = entanglement_client self.project = get_active_project() for k, v in obj.items(): if k == "uid": self._set_item("uid", v) continue if k == "class": k = "object_class" try: setattr(self, k, v) except AttributeError: self[k] = v def __str__(self) -> str: return self.full_name def __repr__(self) -> str: return self.full_name @property def full_name(self): """ Full name for an object. This acts as a sort of unique identifier even before an object is added to Entanglement. """ return f"{self.object_class.lower()}:{self.domain}:{self.category}:{self.type}:{}" def __eq__(self, o: object) -> bool: return self.full_name == o.full_name def __hash__(self): """ Return a hash so that this can be used as a node in networkx or other situations that require a hash """ return hash(self.full_name)
[docs] def create(self) -> "Object": """ Create a new Object in Entanglement. This will fail if a matching object is found. Returns: self Raises: requests.HTTPError: If this failed to create. """ # Make sure the uid is either None or valid _ = self.uid body = {"error_on_exists": True, "rollback_on_failure": True, "objects": [self]} res = raise_on_error("objects", project=self.project.uid, **body)) res_json = res.json() if "objects" in res_json: objects = res_json["objects"] if len(objects) > 1: raise ValueError( "more objects affected than requested, something unexpected happened" ) self._set_item("uid", objects[0]["uid"]) elif "uids" in res_json: # Ensure backward compatibility with entanglement-api <=v0.26.10 uids = res_json["uids"] if len(uids) > 1: raise ValueError("more uids affected than requested, something unexpected happened") self._set_item("uid", uids[0]) else: raise KeyError("no data returned, something went wrong") return self
[docs] def save(self) -> "Object": """ Updates an existing Object in Entanglement. Returns: self Raises: requests.HTTPError: If this failed to save. """ # Make sure the uid is either None or valid try: self.uid except ValueError as e: raise e body = { "error_on_exists": False, "rollback_on_failure": True, "objects": [self], } res = raise_on_error("objects", project=self.project.uid, **body)) keys = res.json().keys() res_json = res.json() if "objects" in res_json: objects = res_json["objects"] if len(objects) > 1: raise ValueError( "more objects affected than requested, something unexpected happened" ) elif len(objects) == 1: self._set_item("uid", objects[0]["uid"]) elif "uids" in res_json: # Ensure backward compatibility with entanglement-api <=v0.26.10 uids = res_json["uids"] if len(uids) > 1: raise ValueError("more uids affected than requested, something unexpected happened") elif len(uids) == 1: self._set_item("uid", uids[0]) return self
[docs] def load(self, uid=None) -> "Object": """ Load an object given a UID. Returns: loaded Object Args: uid: the uid of the object. If none, checks for the uid to have been set on this object. """ if uid is not None: self._set_item("uid", uid) uid = self.uid if uid is None: raise ValueError("must specify the object's uid") res = raise_on_error(self._client.get(f"objects/{uid}", project=self.project.uid)) obj = Object(**res.json()["objects"][0]) self.__init__(**obj) return obj
[docs] def delete(self, hard=False, show_prompt=True): """ Deletes this object from Entanglement. """ uid = self.uid if uid is None: raise ValueError("object has no uid") if hard and show_prompt: confirm = input( "are you sure you want to completely delete this object?" "object will be irrecoverably deleted (type 'YES' to confirm) " ) if confirm != "YES": return return raise_on_error( self._client.delete( "objects", **{"uids": ",".join([uid]), "project": self.project.uid, "hard": hard}, ) ).json()
[docs] def get_connections(self, version_datetime: Union[str, datetime] = None) -> List["Connection"]: """ Returns nearest neighbor connections to this object. Returns: a list of Connection objects of nearest neighbor edges. """ uid = self.uid if uid is None: raise ValueError("object has no uid") params = { "project": self.project.uid, } # Find object versions that were valid at a specific datetime if version_datetime is not None: # check for valid format if isinstance(version_datetime, str): params["datetime"] = datetime_to_utc(isoparse(version_datetime)).isoformat() elif isinstance(version_datetime, datetime): params["datetime"] = datetime_to_utc(version_datetime).isoformat() else: raise ValueError( "version_datetime must either be RCF3339 formatted string, or datetime.datetime" ) res = raise_on_error(self._client.get(f"connections/{uid}", **params)) # Parse connections... res_json = res.json() connections = [] for c in res_json.get("connections", []): conn = Connection(**c) connections.append(conn) return connections
connections = deprecated("v1.0.0", "connections")(get_connections)
[docs] def connect_with( self, predicate: Union["Predicate", str], object: "Object", overwrite=False ) -> "Connection": """ Adds a connection from this Object to another using the specified Predicate. Args: predicate: name of a Predicate or a Predicate object defining the connection and any edge attributes. object: the target Object of this connection. overwrite: If True, will overwrite the connection, else will raise an exception. Returns: the requested Connection. """ conn = Connection(subject=self, predicate=predicate, object=object) add_connections([conn], overwrite=overwrite, project=self.project.uid) return conn
@property def graph(self): """ If this object belongs to a graph, will return that parent graph. """ return self._graph @graph.setter def graph(self, g: Graph): """ Set this object to belong to a graph. """ if not isinstance(g, Graph): raise ValueError("must be added to only an geodesic.entanglement.Graph") self._graph = g @property def uid(self): """ Get the object's UID, if set, None otherwise. """ uid = self.get("uid", None) if uid is not None: if not uid.startswith("0x"): raise ValueError(f"{uid} is not a valid uid") return uid
[docs] @staticmethod def from_stac(item: Item, object_class=None, **props) -> "Object": """ Derive a new Object from a STAC item. Args: item: a STAC Item object_class: what class should this be interpretted as (e.g. 'Entity') props: additional properties to be set on this object. """ if not isinstance(item, (dict, Item)): raise ValueError("item must be a a STAC Item") item = Item(**item) if object_class is None: object_class = "entity" obj = Object( object_class=object_class, name=Object.sanitize_name(, geometry=item.geometry, item=item, **props, ) return obj
@staticmethod def sanitize_name(x: str) -> str: return re.sub(char_sub_re, "-", x.lower())
[docs]class Observable(Object): pass
[docs]class Entity(Object): pass
[docs]class Event(Object): datetime = _DatetimeDescr(doc="a timestamp for this Event") start_datetime = _DatetimeDescr( doc="a start time or beginning or some time interval for this event" ) end_datetime = _DatetimeDescr(doc="an end time or end or some time interval for this event")
[docs]class Property(Object): pass
[docs]class Model(Object): pass
[docs]class Concept(Object): pass
[docs]class Predicate(_APIObject): edge_attributes = _DictDescr( doc="a dictionary of edge attributes. Must be simple types like strings, ints, floats" ) name = _RegexDescr( regex=predicate_name_re, doc="the name of this predicate, describes the relationship very briefly", ) domain = _RegexDescr(regex=qualifier_re, doc="the domain of this predicate", default="*") category = _RegexDescr(regex=qualifier_re, doc="the category of this predicate", default="*") type = _RegexDescr(regex=qualifier_re, doc="the type of this predicate", default="*") def __init__(self, **pred): super().__init__() for k, v in pred.items(): setattr(self, k, v) def __repr__(self) -> str: return self.full_name @property def full_name(self): """ Short, readable name for this predicate. """ st = f"predicate:{self.domain}:{self.category}:{self.type}:{}" return st @staticmethod def from_full_name(full_name: str, edge_attributes=None) -> "Predicate": parts = full_name.split(":") match = True for part in parts: if not predicate_name_re.match(part): match = False if len(parts) != 5 or not match: raise ValueError( r"predicate string must be of the form: 'predicate:domain:category:type:name'," r" each matching the regex ^[a-z]+[a-z\-\_]*$" ) p = Predicate() _, domain, category, type_, name = parts p.domain = domain p.category = category p.type = type_ = name if edge_attributes is not None: p.edge_attributes = edge_attributes return p
[docs]class Connection(_APIObject): """ A Connection is a relationship between two objects. Subject -> Predicate -> Object """ subject = _TypeConstrainedDescr((Object, dict), doc="the subject of this connection") predicate = _TypeConstrainedDescr( (Predicate, dict, str), doc="the predicate of this connection" ) object = _TypeConstrainedDescr((Object, dict), doc="the object of this connection") def __init__(self, *conn_tuple, **conn): super().__init__() if len(conn_tuple) == 3: sub, pred, obj = conn_tuple else: sub = conn["subject"] pred = conn["predicate"] obj = conn["object"] self.subject = Object(**sub) if isinstance(pred, str): self.predicate = Predicate(name=pred) else: self.predicate = Predicate(**pred) self.object = Object(**obj) def __repr__(self): return f"{self.subject} --{}--> {self.object}" def create(self, overwrite: bool = False): add_connections([self], overwrite=overwrite) def delete(self, hard=False, show_prompt=True): return delete_connections( [self], project=self.subject.project, hard=hard, show_prompt=show_prompt )


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