
Source code for geodesic.tesseract.job

import time
import warnings
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional, Union, List, Tuple, Literal

import numpy as np
from geodesic.account.projects import _ProjectDescr, get_active_project, get_project
from geodesic.descriptors import (
from geodesic.service import ServiceClient
from geodesic.tesseract.components import (
from geodesic.tesseract.regex import job_id_re
from geodesic.utils import DeferredImport, MockImport, hamming_distance, deprecated
from geodesic.bases import _APIObject
from geodesic.client import raise_on_error
from geodesic import Dataset
from geodesic.stac import FeatureCollection, Item, Feature

    import datetime
    from geodesic.account import Project
    from geodesic.tesseract import (

tqdm = DeferredImport("tqdm")
ipywidgets = DeferredImport("ipywidgets")
ipyleaflet = DeferredImport("ipyleaflet")
mapping = DeferredImport("geodesic.mapping")
display = DeferredImport("IPython.display")

    import networkx as nx
except ImportError:
        "networkx is not installed. topological checks on tesseract jobs will not be performed"
    nx = None

    import zarr
except ImportError:
    zarr = MockImport("zarr")

tesseract_client = ServiceClient("tesseract", 1)

[docs]def list_jobs( search: str = None, project=None, status: Literal["completed", "running", "deleted", "all"] = "all", ) -> "JobList": """depreciated function, use `get_jobs()` instead""" warnings.warn( "list_jobs() is depreciated and will be removed in v1.0.0, use get_jobs() instead", UserWarning, ) return get_jobs(search=search, project=project, status=status)
[docs]def get_jobs( search: str = None, project=None, status: Literal["completed", "running", "deleted", "all"] = "all", ) -> "JobList": """returns a list of Tesseract Jobs Args: search: a search string used to search within the jobs name, alias or description. This will do simple partial string matching. project: the name of the project to search jobs. Defaults to the current active project. status: return only jobs that have this status. this can be 'completed, 'running', 'deleted', or 'all' (default) to return jobs in any state. Returns: a :class:`JobList` of matching Jobs Example: To list Tesseract jobs related to Hurricane Ida we could run the `list_jobs()` function like so: >>> jobs = list_jobs( ... search="ida", ... project="ida-demo", ... status="completed" ... ) >>> jobs[0].alias "Ida Road Model" """ if project is None: project = get_active_project() else: if isinstance(project, str): project = get_project(project) elif not isinstance(project, Project): raise ValueError("project must be string or Project") if status.lower() not in ["completed", "running", "deleted", "all"]: raise ValueError("status must be one of ['completed', 'running', 'deleted', 'all']") params = {} if search is not None: params["search"] = search params["project"] = project.uid resp = tesseract_client.get(f"jobs", **params) raise_on_error(resp) js = resp.json() try: if js["jobs"] is None: return JobList([]) except KeyError: if js == {}: return JobList([]) jl = [Job(**j) for j in js["jobs"]] jobs = JobList(jl) if status.lower() == "all": return jobs # Since there isnt a way to filter serverside by state we need # to check each of the return jobs and remove ones that dont match. filtered_jobs = {} for name, job in jobs.items(): st = job.status()["state"] if st == status.lower(): filtered_jobs[name] = job return filtered_jobs
list_jobs = deprecated("v1.0.0", "list_jobs")(get_jobs)
[docs]class Job(_APIObject): """represents a Tesseract Job The class can be initialized either with a dictionary (\\*\\*spec) that represents the request for the particular type, or can be given an job ID. If a job ID is provided it will query for that job on the tesseract service and then update this class with the specifics of that job. Args: \\*\\*spec: A dictionary representing the job request. job_id: The job ID string. If provided the job will be initialized with info by making a request to tesseract. """ name = _StringDescr(doc="a unique name for the dataset created by this job.") alias = _StringDescr(doc="a human readable name for the dataset created by this job") description = _StringDescr(doc="a longer description for the dataset created by this job") project = _ProjectDescr(doc="the project that this job will be assigned to") workers = _IntDescr(doc="the number of workers to use for this job") bbox = _BBoxDescr( doc="the rectangular extent of this job. Can be further filtered by a geometry" ) bbox_epsg = _IntDescr(doc="the EPSG code of the bounding box spatial reference.") output_epsg = _IntDescr( doc="the EPSG code of the output spatial reference. Pixel size will be with respect to this." ) geometry = _GeometryDescr( doc="A geometry to filter the job with only assets intersecting this will be processed. \ Inputs can be WKT, WKB, GeoJSON, or a anything that implements a __geo_interface__" ) global_properties = _TypeConstrainedDescr( (GlobalProperties, dict), doc="DEPRECATED. Will be removed in v1.0.0. Properties applied to unspecified fields in an asset spec", deprecated=True, ) asset_specs = AssetSpecListDescr( doc="the initial assets to compute in the job", deprecated=True, ) workers = _IntDescr( doc="Number of workers to use for each step in the job. Can also be specified on each step individually." ) steps = _ListDescr( item_type=(Step, dict), doc="A list of steps to execute", coerce_items=True, ) hooks = _ListDescr( item_type=(Webhook, dict), doc="NOT YET IMPLEMENTED. A list of webhooks to execute when job is complete", ) output = _TypeConstrainedDescr( (Bucket, dict), doc="the output, other than default storage", ) def __init__(self, job_id: str = None, **spec): self.project = get_active_project() self._submitted = False self._dataset = None self._item = None self._bounds = None self._widget = None self._service = tesseract_client # status values self._state = None self._n_quarks = None self._n_completed = None # geometries self._query_geom = None self._quark_geoms = None self.job_id = None if job_id is not None and len(spec) == 0: self.load(job_id=job_id) if len(spec) > 0: self.job_id = job_id super().__init__(**spec)
[docs] def load(self, job_id: str, dry_run: bool = False) -> None: """Loads job information for `job_id` if the job exists Args: job_id (str): The job ID to load dry_run (bool): If True, only loads the job information, not the dataset or item. """ job_resp = raise_on_error( self._service.get(f"jobs/{job_id}", project=self.project.uid) ).json() if "jobs" not in job_resp or len(job_resp["jobs"]) == 0: raise ValueError(f"job '{job_id}' not found in project '{self.project.uid}'") self.update(job_resp["jobs"][0]) self.job_id = job_resp["jobs"][0].get("job_id", job_id) if dry_run: return # If this isn't a dry run, load the other data. ds = raise_on_error( self._service.get(f"jobs/{job_id}/dataset", project=self.project.uid) ).json() self._dataset = Dataset(**ds) si = raise_on_error( self._service.get(f"jobs/{job_id}/item", project=self.project.uid) ).json() self._item = Item(**si) self._query_geom = getattr(self._item, "geometry", None) self.status(return_quark_geoms=True)
[docs] def submit( self, overwrite: bool = False, dry_run: bool = False, timeout_seconds: float = 30.0, ) -> JobResponse: """Submits a job to be processed by tesseract This function will take the job defined by this class and submit it to the tesseract api for processing. Once submitted the dataset and items fields will be populated containing the SeerAI dataset and STAC item respectively. Keep in mind that even though the links to files in the STAC item will be populated, the job may not yet be completed and so some of the chunks may not be finished. Args: overwrite: if the job exists, deletes it and creates a new one dry_run: runs this as a dry run (no work submitted, only estimated.) timeout_seconds: how long to wait for the job to be submitted before timing out. """ # If this job has a job_id, delete the existing job if self.job_id is not None: if overwrite: self.delete_and_wait() else: self.status() # If the current job state is "dry_run" and we're submitting a non-dry run, delete the job and wait. if self.state == "dry_run" and not dry_run: self.delete_and_wait(timeout_seconds=timeout_seconds) else: self.load(self.job_id, dry_run=self.state == "dry_run") return req = dict(self) req["dry_run"] = dry_run # submit the job response ="submit", **req) res = response.json() # If there's an error, get the job ID from that error if "error" in res: detail = res["error"].get("detail", "") job_id_match = # If the job already exists and we don't already have the job_id set, get and set the job_id if "exists" in detail and job_id_match and self.job_id is None: job_id = self.job_id = job_id # Recursively call this, now that we have the job_id return self.submit( overwrite=overwrite, dry_run=dry_run, timeout_seconds=timeout_seconds, ) else: raise_on_error(response) res = JobResponse(**res) job_id = res.get("job_id", None) if job_id is None: raise ValueError("no job_id was returned, something went wrong") self.job_id = job_id self.load(job_id, dry_run=dry_run) self._submitted = True res.warn() return res
def delete_and_wait(self, timeout_seconds=30.0): self.delete(remove_data=True) timeout = time.time() + timeout_seconds timed_out = True while time.time() < timeout: self.status() if self._state == "deleted": timed_out = False break time.sleep(1.0) if timed_out: raise ValueError( "Job submission timed out waiting for deletion to complete. Job is still deleting," " please try again later" ) @property def dataset(self): return self._dataset @property def item(self): return self._item @property def state(self): return self._state
[docs] def zarr(self, asset_name: str = None): """ Returns the Zarr group for the corresponding asset name Args: asset_name: name of the asset to open and return Returns: zarr file pointing to the results. """ if self._item is None or self._n_completed != self._n_quarks: raise ValueError("computation not completed") try: assets = self._item.assets except AttributeError: raise AttributeError("item has no assets") try: asset = assets[asset_name] except KeyError: raise KeyError(f"asset {asset_name} does not exist") href = asset.href return
[docs] def ndarray(self, asset_name: str): """ Returns a numpy.ndarray for specified asset name. USE WITH CAUTION! RETURNS ALL OF WHAT COULD BE A HUGE ARRAY Args: asset_name: name of the asset to open and return Returns: numpy array of all the results. """ return self.zarr(asset_name)["tesseract"][:]
[docs] def status( self, return_quark_geoms: bool = False, return_quark_status: bool = False, return_alerts: bool = False, warn: bool = False, ): """Status queries the tesseract service for the jobs status. Args: return_quark_geoms(bool): Should the query to the service ask for all of the quarks geometries. If True it will populate the geometry in this class. return_quark_status(bool): If True will query for the status of each individual quark associated with the job. return_alerts(bool): If True, will return all alerts (planning errors, warnings, etc) for the job. warn(bool): If any alerts are returned, warns the user with a Python warning Returns: A dictionary with the response from the Tesseract service """ if not self.job_id: raise Exception("job_id not set, cannot get status") q = { "return_quark_geoms": return_quark_geoms, "return_quark_status": return_quark_status, "return_alerts": return_alerts, "project": self.project.uid, } res = raise_on_error(self._service.get(f"jobs/{self.job_id}/status", **q)).json() status = res.get("job_status", None) if status is None: print(res) raise Exception("could not get job status") self._n_quarks = status.get("n_quarks", None) self._n_completed = status.get("n_quarks_completed", 0) self._state = status.get("state", None) if return_quark_geoms: quark_geoms = status.get("features", None) if quark_geoms is None: raise Exception("job status returned no geometries") self.quark_geoms = FeatureCollection(**quark_geoms) self._status = status self.alerts = [Alert(**w) for w in status.get("alerts", [])] if warn: for alert in self.alerts: alert.warn() return status
[docs] def add_create_assets_step( self, name: str, asset_name: str, workers: int = 1, dataset: Optional[Union["Dataset", str]] = None, dataset_project: Optional[Union["Project", str]] = None, stac_items: Optional[List[Union[dict, "Feature", "Item"]]] = None, asset_bands: Optional[List[Union["AssetBands", dict]]] = None, output_time_bins: Optional[Union["OutputTimeBins", dict]] = None, pixels_options: Optional[Union["PixelsOptions", dict]] = None, warp_options: Optional[Union["WarpOptions", dict]] = None, rasterize_options: Optional[Union["RasterizeOptions", dict]] = None, no_data: Optional[List[Union[int, float, complex, str]]] = None, pixel_dtype: Optional[Union[str, np.dtype]] = None, fill_value: Optional[Union[str, int, float, complex]] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, filter: Optional[dict] = None, datetime: Optional[Union[Tuple[Union["datetime.datetime", str]], str]] = None, chip_size: Optional[int] = 512, output_bands: Optional[List[str]] = None, compression: Optional[str] = "blosc", page_size: Optional[int] = 1000, ) -> "Job": """add a Data input to this Tesseract Job This adds a data input to this Job. Although there are many arguments, many of them don't need to be specified. The following rules apply * You MUST specified either a ``dataset`` or ``stac_items``, but not both. Specifying both is undefined and will raise an Exception. * You MUST specify ``pixels_options``, or ``rasterize_options``, or leave both as None. Specifying both is undefined and will raise an exception. If you specify neither, the Features/Items will be added in vector/GeoJSON format * If pixels_options is specified, you must specify ``asset_bands`` as there is no general way to know what asset and band list from the dataset is desired. * You do not need to specify the ``dataset_project`` unless the ``dataset``'\s project is ambiguous based on the name alone. This will check the ``active_project`` first, followed by ``global``, and raise an exception if the ``dataset`` is not in either. If you specify a ``Dataset`` object, the ``dataset_project`` will be pulled from that. This method returns ``self`` so that it can be chained together with other methods. Args: name: the name of the step. This must be unqiue across the whole job. asset_name: the name of the output ``asset`` in Tesseract that this will create. This name can be referenced \ by future ``Step``'\s in the job. workers: the number of workers to use for this step. (default=1) dataset: the name of the ``Dataset`` or a ``Dataset`` object that has been saved in Entanglement. dataset_project: the project that the ``Dataset`` belongs to. This is to resolve ambiguity between ``Dataset``'\s \ that have the same name as each other. stac_items: A list of Features or STAC Items that used in lieu of a ``Dataset`` as this step's inputs. Do not \ specify more than a handful of features via this method as the job performance may suffer or the ``Job`` \ may fail to submit successfully. asset_bands: a list of ``asset``/``bands`` combinations. The combination of the ``asset`` and the list of ``bands`` \ will be extracted from the dataset, if available. It's not always possible for Tesseract to guarantee \ that the asset/bands are available without starting the job. Double check your arguments to avoid ``Job`` \ failure after the job has been submitted. output_time_times: a specification of how to create the output time bins for the job. pixels_options: If this is set, Tesseract will assume that this step will create a tensor output from either \ the specified ``dataset`` or the ``stac_items`` provided. warp_options (deprecated): If this is set, Tesseract will assume that this step will create a tensor output \ from either the specified ``dataset`` or the ``stac_items`` provided. rasterize_options: If this is set, Tesseract will assume that this step will create a tensor output by \ rasterizing either the feature outputs from querying the ``dataset`` or using the provided ``stac_items``. no_data: For pixels jobs, this will be used as the no_data value for the input rasters. pixel_dtype: The data type of tensor outputs. Not needed for features. fill_value: The value to set as the no data value for tensor output. This will be set as the "fill_value" in \ the resulting zarr output file. ids: A list of IDs to filter the dataset to. Useful if you know exactly what data you wish for Tesseract \ to use. filter: a CQL2 JSON filter as a Python dict. This will be used to filter the data if the ``dataset`` supports \ filtering. datetime: The range to query for input items from the ``dataset``. This may be specified either as a tuple of \ datetimes/rfc3339 strings or as a STAC style range, \ 'YYYY-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS[Z][+-HH:MM]/YYYY-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS[Z][+-HH:MM]', 'YYYY-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS[Z][+-HH:MM]/..' \ or '../YYYY-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS[Z][+-HH:MM]' chip_size: for tensor outputs, what size in pixels should each of the chips be? This can be \ 256>= ``chip_size`` >= 2048 output_bands: a list of string names of what the output bands should be called. Length must match the \ asset_bans total count of bins. compression: what compression algorithm to use on compressed tensor chunks. 'blosc' is default and usually \ very effective. page_size: how many items to query at a time from Boson. For complex features, this may need to be a smaller \ value (default 1000 is usually fine), but for simpler features using a large value will speed up \ the processing. Returns: This ``Job`` after this step has been added. This is so that these can be chained. If you want to suppress the output, call like so: _ = job.add_data_input(...) Examples: Add an ``asset`` from the "srtm-gl1" dataset. This will use the pixels functionality to reproject/resample >>> job = Job() >>> _ = job.add_data_input( ... name="add-srtm", ... asset_name="elevation", ... dataset="srtm-gl1", ... asset_bands=[{"asset": "elevation", "bands": [0]}], ... pixels_options={ ... "pixel_size": 30.0 ... }, ... chip_size=2048 ... ) Add an ``asset`` from a feature dataset. This will use the rasterize functionality to rasterize the features >>> job = Job() >>> _ = job.add_data_input( ... name="add-usa-counties", ... asset_name="counties", ... dataset="usa-counties", ... rasterize_options={ ... "pixel_size": [500.0, 500.0], ... "value": "FIPS" ... }, ... chip_size=1024 ... ) Add the same as the previous step, but do not rasterize >>> job = Job() >>> _ = job.add_data_input( ... name="add-usa-counties", ... asset_name="counties", ... dataset="usa-counties", ... ) """ if warp_options is not None and pixels_options is None: pixels_options = warp_options # Check dataset OR stac_items is specified if dataset is None and stac_items is None: raise ValueError("must specify either 'dataset' or 'stac_items'") if dataset is not None and stac_items is not None: raise ValueError("must specify either 'dataset' or 'stac_items', but not both") _type = "tensor" # Check that pixels_options OR rasterize_options are not None or BOTH are None if pixels_options is not None and rasterize_options is not None: raise ValueError( "must specify only one of pixels_options or rasterize_options, but not both" ) # Check pixels dependent settings if pixels_options is not None and asset_bands is None: raise ValueError("must specify 'asset_bands' for pixels requests") if pixels_options is None and rasterize_options is None: chip_size = None compression = None _type = "features" if pixels_options is not None: pixel_size = pixels_options.get("pixel_size") try: len(pixel_size) except TypeError: pixel_size = [pixel_size, pixel_size] pixels_options["pixel_size"] = pixel_size # Prepare the StepInput kwargs for everything that's not None input_kwargs = { k: v for k, v in [ ("dataset", dataset), ("dataset_project", dataset_project), ("stac_items", stac_items), ("asset_bands", asset_bands), ("filter", filter), ("datetime", datetime), ("ids", ids), ("no_data", no_data), ("page_size", page_size), ] if v is not None } band_count = 0 if asset_bands is not None: for ab in asset_bands: band_count += len(ab.get("bands", [])) if output_bands is not None: if len(output_bands) != band_count: raise ValueError( f"len(output_bands) ({len(output_bands)}) must equal the total band count ({band_count})" ) # Prepare the StepOutput kwargs for everything that's not None output_kwargs = {"asset_name": asset_name} output_kwargs.update( { k: v for k, v in [ ("output_time_bins", output_time_bins), ("pixels_options", pixels_options), ("rasterize_options", rasterize_options), ("chip_size", chip_size), ("compression", compression), ("pixel_dtype", pixel_dtype), ("fill_value", fill_value), ("type", _type), ("output_bands", output_bands), ] if v is not None } ) # Create the actual Step step = Step( name=name, type="create-assets", workers=workers, inputs=[StepInput(**input_kwargs)], outputs=[StepOutput(**output_kwargs)], ) return self.add_step(step)
add_data_input = add_create_assets_step
[docs] def add_model_step( self, name: str, container: Union[str, Container, dict], inputs: List[Union[StepInput, dict]], outputs: List[Union[StepOutput, dict]], args: dict = {}, gpu: bool = False, workers: int = 1, ): """add a Model step to this Tesseract Job This adds a model step to this Job and runs some validation. This method returns `self` so that it can be chained together with other methods. Args: name: the name to give this step container: either a Container object or the image tag of the container for the model inputs: a list of StepInputs. Must refer to previous steps in the model outputs: a list of StepOutputs detailing the output of this model args: an optional list of arguements for this container at runtime. These will be provided to the user inference func if written so-as to accept arguments gpu: if this model requires a GPU to run, set to True. Unless your code is specifically configured for an NVIDIA GPU and your image has the appropriate drivers, this will not be necessary or improve performance of non-GPU optimized code. workers: How many workers to split this step over Returns: self - this Job Examples: Add a step that runs a harmonic regression model using a previous asset step called 'landsat'. >>> from geodesic.tesseract import Job, Container, StepInput, StepOutput >>> job = Job() ... job.add_model_step( ... name="run-har-reg", ... container=Container( ... repository="", ... image="har-reg", ... tag="v0.0.7", ... args={"forder": 4} ... ), ... inputs=[StepInput( ... asset_name="landsat", ... dataset_project=proj, ... spatial_chunk_shape=(512, 512), ... type="tensor", ... time_bin_selection=T.BinSelection(all=True), ... )], ... outputs=[ ... StepOutput( ... asset_name="brightness-params", ... chunk_shape=(1, 10, 512, 512), ... type="tensor", ... pixel_dtype="<f8", ... fill_value="nan", ... ), ... StepOutput( ... asset_name="greenness-params", ... chunk_shape=(1, 10, 512, 512), ... type="tensor", ... pixel_dtype="<f8", ... fill_value="nan", ... ), ... StepOutput( ... asset_name="wetness-params", ... chunk_shape=(1, 10, 512, 512), ... type="tensor", ... pixel_dtype="<f8", ... fill_value="nan", ... ) ... ], ... workers=10 ... ) """ if isinstance(container, str): ref = container try: container = parse_container(ref) except Exception: raise ValueError(f"unable to parse container image ref '{ref}'") container = Container(**container) if args: container.args = args step = Step( name=name, type="model", container=container, inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, gpu=gpu, workers=workers, ) return self.add_step(step)
def add_step(self, step: Step) -> "Job": if nx is not None: if "step:" + in self.dag.nodes: raise ValueError( "this job already has a step named '{}'. Step names must be unique" ) step_type = step.get("type") if step_type is None: raise ValueError("must specify step type for every step") self.steps.append(Step(**step)) if nx is not None: if not self.is_dag(): raise ValueError("job's graph is not acyclic") return self
[docs] def update_step_params( self, step_name: str, input_index=None, output_index=None, **params ) -> bool: """updates the parameters for an existing step by looking up the step by name and then applying parameters This method can be used to update the info in a step that's already been added to a job. You can modify parameters at either the top level of the Step or in any of the inputs or outputs by specifying an ``input_index`` or an ``output_index``. Args: step_name: must match one of the steps in the job. This is the step that will be updated input_index: the index of the input you would like to modify output_index: the index of the output you would like to modify **params: key/values to set on the Step, StepInput, or StepOutput selected Returns: True if the step passes DAG validation, False otherwise Examples: Rename the step: >>> job.update_step_params('old_name', name='new_name') Change the input dataset for 0th input >>> job.update_step_params('step', input_index=0, dataset="new-dataset") Change the 3rd output's pixel_dtype >>> job.update_step_params('step', output_index=3, pixel_dtype=np.float32) """ selected_step = None closest = None closest_distance = 256 for step in self.steps: cur_name = d = hamming_distance(cur_name, step_name) if d == 0: selected_step = step break if d < closest_distance: closest = cur_name closest_distance = d if selected_step is None: extra = "" if closest is not None and closest_distance < len(step_name) / 2: extra = f"closest to provided step name '{closest}'" raise ValueError(f"could not find step with name '{step_name}' ({extra})") if input_index is not None and output_index is not None: raise ValueError("can only update one input or output, not both") # By default, update parameters in the step obj = selected_step # if the input_index is specified, update the parameters in that input if input_index is not None: obj = selected_step.inputs[input_index] if output_index is not None: obj = selected_step.outputs[output_index] for key, value in params.items(): obj[key] = value try: return self.is_dag() except ImportError: return True
def is_dag(self) -> bool: if nx is None: raise ImportError("is_dag requires networkx to be installed") return nx.is_directed_acyclic_graph(self.dag)
[docs] def delete(self, remove_data: bool = False): """Deletes a job in the Tesseract service. Unless specified, data created by this job will remain in the underlying storage. Set `remove_data` to True to remove created asset data. Args: remove_data: Delete underlying data created by this job """ if not self.job_id: raise Exception("job_id not set, cannot delete") _ = raise_on_error( self._service.delete( f"jobs/{self.job_id}", remove_data=remove_data, project=self.project.uid ) ).json() self._submitted = False
@property def dag(self): graph = nx.DiGraph() for asset in self.asset_specs: graph.add_node( # add asset/step nodes and asset/step and step/asset edges for step in self.steps: if step.get("type") == "rechunk" or step.get("type") == "multiscale": continue graph.add_node("step:" +, type="step", color="red") for input in step.inputs: if input.get("asset_name") is not None: graph.add_node("asset:" + input.asset_name, type="asset", color="green") graph.add_edge(input.asset_name, for output in step.outputs: if output.asset_name not in graph.nodes: graph.add_node("asset:" + output.asset_name, type="asset") graph.add_edge(, output.asset_name) return graph def _build_widget(self): # Progress bar self._prog = ipywidgets.IntProgress( value=self._n_completed, min=0, max=self._n_quarks, step=1, description="Running: ", bar_style="", orientation="horizontal", ) self._title = ipywidgets.HTML(value=self._get_title()) self._ratio = ipywidgets.HTML(value=self._get_ratio()) zoom, center = mapping.calc_zoom_center(self._item["bbox"]) = mapping.Map(center=center, zoom=zoom, scroll_wheel_zoom=True)"topright")) vb = ipywidgets.VBox([self._title, self._ratio, self._prog]) w = ipywidgets.HBox([vb,]) self._widget = w def _add_item_layer(self): if not self._item: return disp = Item(**self._item) disp.geometry = disp.geometry.buffer(np.sqrt(disp.geometry.area) * 0.05).envelope fci = {"type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [disp]} query_layer = ipyleaflet.GeoJSON( data=fci, style={ "opacity": 1, "color": "#e2e6d5", "fillOpacity": 0.0, "weight": 1, "dashArray": "4 4", }, hover_style={"fillOpacity": 0.75}, ) = "Requested Extent" def _add_quark_layer(self): if not self.quark_geoms: return fc = {"type": "FeatureCollection", "features": self.quark_geoms.features} self._quark_layer = ipyleaflet.GeoJSON( data=fc, style={}, hover_style={ "fillOpacity": 0.75, }, style_callback=self._quark_style, ) = "Quark Extents" def widget(self): try: ipywidgets.VBox except ImportError: raise ValueError("ipywidgets must be installed to view widget") if self._state == "dry_run": return ( ipywidgets.HTML( value='<h2 style="color: red;">Job is currently in "dry_run" state. Submit before watching job</h2>' ), False, ) if not self.job_id: raise Exception("job_id not set, nothing to watch") quark_status = self.status(return_quark_status=True) self.quark_geoms_lookup = {} for q in self.quark_geoms.features: self.quark_geoms_lookup[q["id"]] = q for k, status in quark_status["quark_status"].items(): self.quark_geoms_lookup[k].properties["status"] = status self._build_widget() self._add_item_layer() self._add_quark_layer() return self._widget, True def _quark_style(self, feature): # Default Style style = { "opacity": 0.5, "color": "#888888", "fillColor": "#888888", "fillOpacity": 0.05, } sts = feature["properties"].get("status", "incomplete") if sts == "incomplete": style["fillOpacity"] = 0.0 return style elif sts == "running": style["fillColor"] = "yellow" style["color"] = "yellow" style["opacity"] = 1.0 elif sts == "failed": style["fillColor"] = "red" style["color"] = "red" style["opacity"] = 0.0 elif sts == "completed": style["fillColor"] = "green" style["color"] = "green" style["opacity"] = 0.0 return style
[docs] def watch(self): """Monitor the tesseract job with the SeerAI widget. Will create a jupyter widget that will watch the progress of this tesseract job. """ have_ipywidgets = True try: ipywidgets.VBox except ImportError: have_ipywidgets = False if not self.job_id: if have_ipywidgets: display.display( ipywidgets.HTML( value='<h2 style="color: red;">No Job ID - submit job before watching</h2>' ) ) return raise ValueError("no job_id: has job been submitted?") while self.state in ("planning"): time.sleep(1.0) self.status() self.status(return_quark_status=True, return_quark_geoms=True) if not have_ipywidgets: return self.watch_terminal() widget, valid = self.widget() display.display(widget) if not valid: return keep_watching = True while keep_watching: self._update_widget() time.sleep(1) if self._n_completed == self._n_quarks: break
def watch_terminal(self): with tqdm.tqdm(total=self._n_quarks) as progress: while True: state = self._state if state == "dry_run": break progress.set_description(f"Job State: {self._state}") self.status() progress.update(self._n_completed) time.sleep(1) if self._n_completed == self._n_quarks: break print(f"Job State: {self._state}") def _update_widget(self): quark_status = self.status(return_quark_status=True, return_quark_geoms=True) for k, status in quark_status["quark_status"].items(): self.quark_geoms_lookup[k].properties["status"] = status feats = { "type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [f for _, f in self.quark_geoms_lookup.items()], } = feats # set numerics self._prog.value = self._n_completed # When the progress bar is first created self._n_quarks is sometimes None for some reason (I think depending on when the watch function is called), so lets set it here just to be safe. self._prog.max = self._n_quarks if self._n_quarks is not None else 100 self._title.value = self._get_title() self._ratio.value = self._get_ratio() def _get_title(self): return f"<h2>Job: {self.alias} - {self._state}</h2>" def _get_ratio(self): return f"<h2>{self._n_completed} / {self._n_quarks}</h2>"
[docs] def add_rechunk_step( self, step_name: str, asset_name: str, chunk_shape: List[int], workers: int = 1 ): """adds a rechunk step to the job A rechunk step will create a new zarr array for a given asset called "rechunk" which will with copy of the tesseract array with the new given chunk shape. Note it is best to not decrease any dimension of the chunk shape too much. For example (1,1,1,1000) to (1,1,1000, 1) will be an extrememly inefficent operation (not to mention impractical). Args: step_name: name for the rechunking step asset_name: output asset name from a previous step to rechunk chunk_shape: a list of integers of length four which will workers: the number of workers to use for this step. (default=1) **params: key/values to set on the Step, StepInput, or StepOutput selected Example: Add rechunk an asset from (1,1,1000,1000) to (4,2,1000,1000): >>> job.add_rechunk_step( ... step_name='rechunk_sentinel', ... asset_name="sentinel-out", ... chunk_shape=[4,2,1000,1000], ... workers=3 ... ) """ step = Step( name=step_name, type="rechunk", inputs=[{"asset_name": asset_name}], outputs=[{"asset_name": asset_name, "chunk_shape": chunk_shape}], workers=workers, ) return self.add_step(step)
[docs] def add_multiscale_step( self, step_name: str, asset_name: str, min_zoom: int = 0, workers: int = 1 ): """adds a multiscales step to the job Args: step_name: name for the multiscale step asset_name: output asset name from a previous step to create multiscales for min_zoom: minimum zoom level for the multiscale step to generate. This might be useful if the asset is large with a small pixel size and all 20 zoom levels are not desired. workers: the number of workers to use for this step. (default=1) Example: Add a multiscale step for asset sentinel >>> job.add_multiscale_step( ... step_name='multiscale_sentinel', ... asset_name="sentinel-out", ... min_zoom=10, ... workers=3 ... ) """ step = Step( name=step_name, type="multiscale", inputs=[{"asset_name": asset_name}], outputs=[ StepOutput( asset_name=asset_name, multiscale_options=MultiscaleOptions({"min_zoom": min_zoom}), ) ], workers=workers, ) return self.add_step(step)
[docs]class JobList(_APIObject): def __init__(self, jobs, ids=[]): self.ids = ids if len(ids) != len(jobs): self.ids = [ for job in jobs] for job in jobs: self._set_item(, job) def __getitem__(self, k) -> Job: if isinstance(k, str): return super().__getitem__(k) elif isinstance(k, int): jid = self.ids[k] return super().__getitem__(jid) else: raise KeyError("invalid job id") def _ipython_display_(self, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError


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