
Source code for geodesic.tesseract.utils

import datetime
from typing import Union
import numpy as np
from geodesic.bases import _APIObject
from geodesic.descriptors import _DatetimeDescr, _TimeDeltaDescr
from geodesic.tesseract.components import StridedBinning, BinSelection
from geodesic.utils import DeferredImport

plt = DeferredImport("matplotlib.pyplot")
mpl = DeferredImport("matplotlib")
animation = DeferredImport("matplotlib.animation")

display = DeferredImport("IPython.display")

[docs]def create_strided_binning( start: Union[datetime.datetime, np.datetime64, str], end: Union[datetime.datetime, np.datetime64, str], stride: Union[datetime.timedelta, np.timedelta64, str], duration: Union[datetime.timedelta, np.timedelta64, str], ): """Creates a StridedBinning object for use in a Tesseract job given start, end, stride, and duration This creates a StridedBinning object that can be used in any step of a Tesseract job that uses temporal binning. Strided binning is the most commonly used way to create uniformly spaced and sized time bins. This utility helps create bins between a start and end with a given stride and duration. Bins will begin at `start`, the starts will be spaced in intervals of `stride`, be `duration` wide and end before or equal to `end`. Args: start: the start datetime for the binning end: the end datetime for the binning stride: the time apart each of the left bin edges will be spaced duration: how long each bin will be Returns: a StridedBinning object. """ class Bounds(_APIObject): start = _DatetimeDescr() end = _DatetimeDescr() duration = _TimeDeltaDescr() stride = _TimeDeltaDescr() bounds = Bounds(start=start, end=end, stride=stride, duration=duration) total_seconds = (bounds.end - bounds.start).total_seconds() duration_seconds = bounds.duration.total_seconds() stride_seconds = bounds.stride.total_seconds() count = 1 + int((total_seconds - duration_seconds) / stride_seconds) return StridedBinning( from_selection=BinSelection(datetime=start), duration=bounds["duration"], stride=bounds["stride"], count=count, )
[docs]def animate_tesseract( tesseract: np.ndarray, fig=None, figsize=(15, 8), scale_type="minmax", filename=None ): backend_ = mpl.get_backend() mpl.use("Agg") # Prevent showing stuff if tesseract.ndim != 4: raise ValueError(f"invalid dimensions({tesseract.ndim}), must be 4") if tesseract.shape[0] == 0: raise ValueError("no time values found") times, n_bands, rows, cols = tesseract.shape i = 0 if scale_type == "minmax": cmin = np.nanmin(tesseract) cmax = np.nanmax(tesseract) elif scale_type == "stddev": mu = np.nanmedian(tesseract) std = np.nanstd(tesseract) cmin = mu - std cmax = mu + std cmin = max(np.nanmin(tesseract), cmin) cmax = min(np.nanmax(tesseract), cmax) images = [ plt.imshow( tesseract[0, i], animated=True, clim=( cmin, cmax, ), cmap="inferno", ) for i in range(n_bands) ] def updatefig(*args): i = args[0] % len(tesseract) for im in images: im.set_array(tesseract[i, 0]) i += 1 return tuple(images) if fig is None: fig, _ = plt.subplots(1, n_bands, figsize=figsize) anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, updatefig, interval=100, fargs=(i,)) if filename is not None: mpl.use(backend_) # Reset backend try: return display.HTML(anim.to_html5_video()) except ImportError: return anim.to_html5_video()


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