
geodesic.entanglement.object.delete_objects(objects_or_uids, project=None, hard=False, show_prompt=True)[source]#

Delete objects by providing a list of objects or just their UIDs.

  • objects_or_uids (list) – a list of Objects or UID strings to delete. If this is a list of Objects, the ‘uid’ field must be set.

  • project (str | Project | None) – which project to delete them from. This is required, but if left as None, will attempt to delete from existing project.

  • hard (bool) – permanently removes objects from Entanglement

  • show_prompt (bool) – when hard deleting prompts user for input to confirm


requests.HTTPErrror for fault.

Note: If objects or UIDs aren’t found under existing project, won’t raise an exception.