
The Tesseract package is used to manage and monitor jobs submitted to the Tesseract processing engine.

Tesseract is a distributed processing engine that is used to run geospatial processing. It allows you to define what processing should be run on a single chunk of data, then Tesseract will take care of partitioning and reassmbling the data, and running the processing in parallel.

This page shows detailed documentation for the python interface to Tesseract. For more information about building docker images to run the processing in Tesseract refer to Tesseract Models with the Python SDK.

Tesseract Job#

Job([name, bbox, geometry, alias, ...])

represents a Tesseract Job

JobList(jobs[, ids])

Tesseract Job Components#

Container(*args, **kwargs)

A container that runs arbitrary code to execute a model for aggregation, machine learning, etc.

Step(*args, **kwargs)

A step in a Tesseract Job

StepInput(*args, **kwargs)

An input for a processing step

StepOutput(*args, **kwargs)

An output for a processing step

Webhook(*args, **kwargs)

A webhook triggered on completion of a step in a Tesseract Job

Bucket(*args, **kwargs)

Equal(*args, **kwargs)

Temporal binning with equal bin size (either by count or size)


Temporal binning by user specified bins.

TemporalBinning(*args, **kwargs)

Temporal binning is a class to represent the temporal binning in a series request.

BinSelection(*args, **kwargs)

Selection of a time bin based on a datetime or index

StridedBinning([from_selection, from_end, ...])

Create output time bins based on a from, duration, stride, offset, and count

RangeSelection([from_index, to_index])

Selection of bins between a start and an end

NearestSelection(*args, **kwargs)

Selection of the nearest bin to a specified before/after point

ReduceMethod(*args, **kwargs)

Reduce along time bin dimension into a single bin

TimeBinSelection(*args, **kwargs)

A description of which time bins to select from the input

OutputBand(*args, **kwargs)

An output bin, either a name or STAC eo band

OutputTimeBins(*args, **kwargs)

How to define what the output time bins are for a step output

AssetBands(*args, **kwargs)

Specify and asset from a dataset as well as a list of bands

FeatureAggregation(*args, **kwargs)

FeatureAggregation specifies how features should be handled while rasterizing


alias of PixelsOptions

RasterizeOptions(*args, **kwargs)

Utility Functions#

animate_tesseract(tesseract[, fig, figsize, ...])

create_strided_binning(start, end, stride, ...)

Creates a StridedBinning object for use in a Tesseract job given start, end, stride, and duration

get_jobs([search, project, status])

returns a list of Tesseract Jobs

list_jobs([search, project, status])

Deprecated in v1.0.0

Root Level Imports#

create_strided_binning(start, end, stride, ...)

Creates a StridedBinning object for use in a Tesseract job given start, end, stride, and duration

get_jobs([search, project, status])

returns a list of Tesseract Jobs

list_jobs([search, project, status])

Deprecated in v1.0.0