
geodesic.utils.memcache module#

class geodesic.utils.memcache.Cache(max_cache_size_bytes=4000000000.0)[source]#

Bases: object

A basic cache to store results of large computations. Rather than using count, this uses a configurable memory size


Module contents#

geodesic.utils.deprecated(version=None, dep_func=None)[source]#

Provides a deprecated message on a function that it will be deprecated in the specified version. If version is left as None, it will be left unspecified when it will be deprecated


old_function = deprecated(“v1.0.0”)(new_function)


Returns True if input is offset aware, False otherwise


Ensures input is localized UTC

geodesic.utils.hamming_distance(a, b)[source]#

utility to check the hamming distance between two strings for very simple typo recognition

class geodesic.utils.MockImport(module_name)[source]#

Bases: object

Use a MockImport when something requires a particular module. On import error, set the module instance to this class initialized with the import module name. This will raise a readable exception when used instead of a more challenging error.

class geodesic.utils.DeferredImport(module_name, attr=None)[source]#

Bases: object