
Source code for geodesic.descriptors

This contains all of the Descriptor objects we'll will use to compose the
basic classes that inherit from :class:`geodesic.bases.APIObject`. They follow the
pattern <Name>Descr. Rather than simply being namespaced here, the Descr
suffix will allow them to be aligned with other objects that will be
implemented as descriptors, such as AssetSpec and Project, and such.
These, by necessity need to be implemented in separate packages and
this convention will keep things internally consistent.

These descriptors are not meant for users as they are just something internal to Geodesic objects.
Users can take advantage of the validation in them if needed, but in general this will all be taken
care of by the Geodesic objects. Each descriptor inherits from :class:`_BaseDescr` which provides 
the standard `__get__()` and `__set__()` functionality. In `__set__()` it also calls a validation
function which is defined on the subclass. This allows at-set validation of things like types, regex,
or anything else needed by the subclass.

When documenting descriptors make sure always include a link to the current descriptor as the 
first line of the docstring. This will allow the docs to propagate correctly to classes where the 
descriptor is used.

import datetime
import re
import warnings
from typing import Union
from urllib.parse import urlparse
import numpy as np
import pytz
from shapely.geometry import shape, box
from shapely.geometry.base import BaseGeometry
from shapely.wkb import loads as loads_wkb
from shapely.wkt import loads as loads_wkt
from dateutil.parser import isoparse
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta

from geodesic.utils import datetime_to_utc
from geodesic.bases import _APIObject

[docs]class _BaseDescr: """base functionality of Descriptor objects for use with APIObject BaseDescr adds the basic functionality we use such as the attribute name and the private_name, which is prefixed by an "_". Args: nested: a subfield in the object's dict to retrieve this out of. A json path, separated by '.'. only object paths are supported, not full JSON paths such as list indices or wildcards doc: a custom docstring to override the default field descriptor docstring. default: a default value for this field dict_name: if the attribute name needs to be different than the name in the dictionary, it can be set with this. (example: `object_class` -> `class` since `class` is a reserved word) deprecated: If this field deprecated, will raise a DeprecationWarning optional: If True, this field is allowed to be None. """ def __init__( self, nested: str = None, doc: str = None, default=None, dict_name=None, deprecated=False, optional=False, ): if nested is not None: self.nested = nested.split(".") else: self.nested = None self.doc = doc self.default = default self.dict_name = dict_name self.deprecated = deprecated self.optional = optional def __set_name__(self, owner: object, name: str): self.public_name = name self.private_name = "_" + name if self.dict_name is None: self.dict_name = self.public_name if self.doc is not None: attr = getattr(owner, name) new_doc = self.doc doc = getattr(attr, "__doc__") doc_link = ( f":class:`{self.__class__.__name__}<{self.__module__}.{self.__class__.__name__}>`" ) types_strings = [] if hasattr(self, "_type"): for x in self._type: if x is None: continue if x.__module__ == "builtins": types_strings.append(f"{x.__name__}") else: types_strings.append(f":class:`{x.__name__}<{x.__module__}.{x.__name__}>`") accepted_types = f"{', '.join(types_strings)}" if doc is not None: new_doc = ( f"({accepted_types}) - {new_doc}" if accepted_types != "" else f"{new_doc}" ) new_doc += "\n\n**Descriptor**:\n" + doc_link setattr(attr, "__doc__", new_doc) def __get__(self, obj: object, objtype=None) -> object: if obj is None: return self return self._get(obj, objtype=objtype)
[docs] def _get(self, obj: object, objtype=None) -> object: raise NotImplementedError(f"_get is not implemented for {type(obj)}")
def __set__(self, obj: object, value: object): if self.optional and value is None: return if self.deprecated: warnings.warn( f"field {self.public_name} is deprecated and will be removed in a future version", UserWarning, ) self._validate(obj, value) self._set(obj, value)
[docs] def _validate(self, obj: object, value: object) -> None: """ override for type specific validation. Should raise an exception if invalid, not return a bool """ # No exception raised by default pass
[docs] def _set(self, obj: object, value: object) -> None: raise NotImplementedError("_set is not implemented")
[docs] def _attribute_error(self, objtype): raise AttributeError(f"'{objtype.__name__}' object has no attribute '{self.public_name}'")
[docs] def _get_object(self, obj: object) -> object: """ Gets a field that is nested in another dictionary object. Allows a descriptor to grab a property from inside a dict that is potentially many levels deep """ if self.nested is None: # This will happen when checking if the class has this attribute. Return the descriptor if obj is None: return self return obj[self.dict_name] nestedObj = self.__traverse_nested_objects(obj) return nestedObj[self.dict_name]
[docs] def _set_object(self, obj: object, value: object) -> None: """ Sets a field that is nested in another dictionary object. If that dictionary doesn't exist, this creates it, first checking that the attribute exists """ if self.nested is None: return obj._set_item(self.dict_name, value) nestedObj = self.__traverse_nested_objects(obj) # finally, set the nested object on the dict/APIObject requested. desc = getattr(nestedObj.__class__, self.public_name, None) if desc is not None: setattr(nestedObj, self.public_name, value) else: nestedObj[self.dict_name] = value
def __traverse_nested_objects(self, obj: object) -> object: """ Goes through nested objects until it has traversed all nested levels. Returns that object, creating it and parents along the way. """ for f in self.nested: # Does it have a descriptor for this nested field? If so, use it desc = getattr(obj.__class__, f, None) # There is a descriptor or it has this attribute, use getattr if desc is not None or hasattr(obj, f): try: obj = getattr(obj, f) # Attribute doesn't exist, set it as an empty dict. We have to assume that descriptor handles this okay # but we'll get an exception otherwise, just might be hard to track down. except Exception: setattr(obj, f, {}) obj = getattr(obj, f) else: try: obj = obj[f] except KeyError: obj[f] = {} obj = obj[f] return obj
[docs]class _GeometryDescr(_BaseDescr): """Geometry field descriptor for a geodesic.bases.APIObject. Args: bbox: a bbox attribute that will be set when the geometry is updated. This is important for keeping geometry/bbox in sync on objects where the bbox is always derived from a geometry field. Methods: __get__: returns a shapely representation of the geometry __set__: coerces the input into a geojson dict (__geo_interface__) and stores internally to the APIObject dict """ def __init__(self, bbox=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.bbox = bbox self._type = (str, dict, bytes, BaseGeometry)
[docs] def _get(self, obj, objtype=None) -> BaseGeometry: """ Gets the geometry attribute of an object. Raises: AttributeError if geometry is None or doesn't exist """ # Try to get the private attribute by name (e.g. '_geometry') g = getattr(obj, self.private_name, None) if g is not None: # Return it if it exists return g # Otherwise, extract and compute. The attribute should be a geojson geometry, so this should work if # it's valid try: shp = self._get_object(obj) shp = shape(shp) setattr(obj, self.private_name, shp) except KeyError: if self.default is None: self._attribute_error(objtype) return self.default except Exception: raise ValueError(f"unable to get '{self.public_name}'") return shp
[docs] def _set(self, obj: object, value: Union[object, dict, str, bytes]) -> None: """ Sets a geometry on obj. Args: obj: the object to be modified value: any object implementing the __geo_interface__ convention (, a dict representing an RFC 7946 GeoJSON geometry, a WKT string, or a WKB bytestring """ # Reset the private attribute (e.g. "_geometry") to None setattr(obj, self.private_name, None) # If it's a dict, set directly if isinstance(value, dict): setval = value # Is it WKT? elif isinstance(value, str): shp = loads_wkt(value) setval = shp.__geo_interface__ # Is it WKB? elif isinstance(value, bytes): shp = loads_wkb(value) setval = shp.__geo_interface__ # Otherwise use the __geo_interface__ attr else: setval = value.__geo_interface__ self._set_object(obj, setval) if self.bbox is not None: self.bbox.__set__(obj, self.__get__(obj).bounds)
[docs] def _validate(self, obj: object, value: object) -> None: if isinstance(value, dict): # make sure value is a geojson geometry try: shp = shape(value) if not shp.is_valid: shp = shp.buffer(0) if not shp.is_valid: raise ValueError("this does not appear to be a valid geometry") except Exception as e: raise ValueError("this does not appear to be a valid geometry") from e elif isinstance(value, str): # make sure value is WKT try: loads_wkt(value) except Exception as e: raise ValueError( "unable to parse input string: must be well-known text (WKT)" ) from e elif isinstance(value, bytes): # make sure value is WKB try: loads_wkb(value) except Exception as e: raise ValueError( "unable to parse input string: must be well-known binary (WKB)" ) from e # make sure value it implements __geo_interface__ elif not hasattr(value, "__geo_interface__"): raise ValueError(f"invalid geometry of type '{type(value)}'")
[docs]class _BBoxDescr(_GeometryDescr): """BBoxDescr is a bounding box field descriptor for a :class:`geodesic.bases.APIObject`. Inherits from :class:`GeometeryDescr` to use its validator Methods: __get__: returns a tuple of 4 values representing corners of the bbox (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) __set__: coerces the input into a shapely geom before taking the bounds and stores internally to the APIObject dict """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._type = (tuple, list, dict, str, bytes, BaseGeometry)
[docs] def _get(self, obj: object, objtype=None) -> tuple: # Try to get the private attribute by name (e.g. '_bbox') g = getattr(obj, self.private_name, None) if g is not None: # Return it if it exists return g # Otherwise, extract and compute. The attribute should be a list/tuple try: bbox = self._get_object(obj) bbox = box(*bbox) bbox = bbox.bounds setattr(obj, self.private_name, bbox) except KeyError: if self.default is None: self._attribute_error(objtype) return self.default except Exception: raise ValueError(f"unable to get '{self.public_name}'") return bbox
[docs] def _set(self, obj: object, value: Union[object, dict, str, bytes, tuple, list]) -> None: # if it's a list/tuple, set directly if isinstance(value, (tuple, list)): bbox = tuple(value) # If it's a dict, get shape bounds elif isinstance(value, dict): bbox = shape(value).bounds # Is it WKT? elif isinstance(value, str): shp = loads_wkt(value) bbox = shp.bounds # Is it WKB? elif isinstance(value, bytes): shp = loads_wkb(value) bbox = shp.bounds # Otherwise use the __geo_interface__ attr else: shp = shape(value.__geo_interface__) bbox = shp.bounds self._set_object(obj, bbox)
[docs] def _validate(self, obj: object, value: object) -> None: if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): if len(value) != 4: raise ValueError("bbox must contain exactly 4 values") for x in value: if not isinstance(x, (int, float)): raise ValueError("bbox elements must be real numbers") else: super()._validate(obj, value)
[docs]class _RegexDescr(_BaseDescr): """RegexDescr is a field that is validated against a regex Valid inputs for this field follow: **{regex}** Methods: __get__: this attribute returns the validated string __set__: validates a string and then sets the value in the APIObject dict """ def __init__(self, regex: Union[re.Pattern, str], empty_allowed=False, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(**kwargs) if isinstance(regex, str): self.regex = re.compile(regex) elif isinstance(regex, re.Pattern): self.regex = regex else: raise TypeError("regex must be a string or a re.Pattern object") self.empty_allowed = empty_allowed self.__doc__ = self.__doc__.format(regex=self.regex.pattern) self._type = (str,)
[docs] def _get(self, obj: object, objtype=None) -> str: try: return self._get_object(obj) except KeyError: if self.default is None: self._attribute_error(objtype) return self.default
[docs] def _set(self, obj: object, value: str) -> None: if value == "" and self.empty_allowed: return self._set_object(obj, value)
[docs] def _validate(self, obj: object, value: str) -> None: if not isinstance(value, str): raise ValueError(f"'{self.public_name}' must be a string. Got {value} ({type(value)}).") match = self.regex.match(value) if not match and not (self.empty_allowed and value == ""): raise ValueError( f"'{self.public_name}' must match {self.regex.pattern} value:'{value}'" )
[docs]class _DictDescr(_BaseDescr): """DictDescr is a dictionary field, such as properties in a GeoJSON object. This set/returns a dictionary field no matter what, it doesn't raise an attribute error Methods: __get__: returns the dict, creating it on the base object if necessary __set__: sets the dictionary after validating that it is a dict """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._type = (dict,)
[docs] def _get(self, obj: object, objtype=None) -> dict: try: d = self._get_object(obj) except KeyError: d = {} if self.default is not None: d = self.default self._set_object(obj, d) return d
[docs] def _set(self, obj: object, value: dict): if value is None: self._set_object(obj, {}) return self._set_object(obj, value)
[docs] def _validate(self, obj: object, value: dict) -> None: if value is None: return if not isinstance(value, dict): raise ValueError(f"{self.public_name} must be a dict")
[docs]class _ListDescr(_BaseDescr): """ListDescr is a list field, such as links in a GeoJSON feature collection object. This sets/returns a list field no matter what, it doesn't raise an attribute error Args: item_type (tuple or type): A type or tuple of types that are allowed as the inputs to this descriptor. If you also set coerce to True, then the output type of the list (when you do a get) will be coerced to the first element of the tuple. If you would like to use this to pass in one type (typeA) and return another (typeB) then item_type should be `(typeB, typeA)` as well as `coerce=True`. min_len (int): a minimum number of elements for this list max_len (int): a maximum number of elements for this list coerce_items (bool): coerce all elements to the first type in the `item_type` arg when setting the values of the list. Methods: __get__: returns the list, creating it on the base object if necessary __set__: sets the list after validating that it is a list """ def __init__(self, item_type=None, min_len=None, max_len=None, coerce_items=False, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.item_type = item_type self.max_len = max_len self.min_len = min_len self.coerce_items = coerce_items self._type = tuple(item_type) if isinstance(item_type, (tuple, list)) else (item_type,)
[docs] def _get(self, obj: object, objtype=None) -> list: try: d = self._get_object(obj) except KeyError: if self.default is not None: return self.default d = [] self._set_object(obj, d) return d
[docs] def _set(self, obj: object, value: list): if value is None: return self._set_object(obj, []) if self.item_type is not None: if isinstance(self.item_type, (tuple, list)): _type = self.item_type[0] else: _type = self.item_type if len(value) > 0 and issubclass(_type, _BaseDescr): tmp = _APIObject() descr_tmp = _type() descr_tmp.__set_name__(tmp, "tmp") for i, v in enumerate(value): descr_tmp._set(tmp, v) value[i] = tmp["tmp"] if self.coerce_items: if isinstance(self.item_type, (tuple, list)): _type = self.item_type[0] else: _type = self.item_type if len(value) > 0 and isinstance(value[0], dict): value = [_type(**x) for x in value] else: value = [_type(x) for x in value] self._set_object(obj, value)
[docs] def _validate(self, obj: object, value: list) -> None: if value is None: return if not isinstance(value, list): raise ValueError(f"{self.public_name} must be a list, got {type(value)}") # len check if self.max_len is not None and len(value) > self.max_len: raise ValueError( f"{self.public_name} must be less than or equal to {self.max_len} elements in length" ) if self.min_len is not None and len(value) < self.min_len: raise ValueError( f"{self.public_name} must be greater than or equal to {self.min_len} elements in length" ) if self.item_type is not None: if len(value) > 0: if isinstance(self.item_type, (tuple, list)): _type = self.item_type[0] else: _type = self.item_type if issubclass(_type, _BaseDescr): for v in value: _type()._validate({}, v) elif not isinstance(value[0], self.item_type): raise ValueError(f"'{self.public_name}' must be a list of {self.item_type}")
[docs]class _TupleDescr(_BaseDescr): """TupleDescr is a tuple field (immutable), such as image shape. This raises an attribute error Args: item_type (type): Type to validate all elements in this tuple against min_len (int): The minimum allowed length for this tuple to be instantiated max_len (int): The maximum allowed length for this tuple Methods: __get__: returns the tuple, creating it on the base object if necessary __set__: sets the tuple after validating that it is a tuple """ def __init__(self, item_type=None, min_len=None, max_len=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.item_type = item_type self.max_len = max_len self.min_len = min_len self._type = tuple(item_type) if isinstance(item_type, (tuple, list)) else (item_type,)
[docs] def _get(self, obj: object, objtype=None) -> tuple: try: d = self._get_object(obj) except KeyError: self._attribute_error(objtype) return d
[docs] def _set(self, obj: object, value: tuple): self._set_object(obj, tuple(value))
[docs] def _validate(self, obj: object, value: tuple) -> None: if not isinstance(value, (tuple, list)): raise ValueError(f"{self.public_name} must be a tuple or list, got {type(value)}") # len check if self.max_len is not None and len(value) > self.max_len: raise ValueError( f"{self.public_name} must be less than or equal to {self.max_len} elements in length" ) if self.min_len is not None and len(value) < self.min_len: raise ValueError( f"{self.public_name} must be greater than or equal to {self.min_len} elements in length" ) if self.item_type is not None: if len(value) > 0: if not isinstance(value[0], self.item_type): raise ValueError(f"'{self.public_name}' must be a tuple of {self.item_type}")
[docs]class _DatetimeDescr(_BaseDescr): """DatetimeDescr is a UTC datetime field and is setable through typical python datetime objects, numpy datetime64, or pandas.Timestamp objects, pandas datetime objects, and RFC3339 strings. Methods: __get__: returns the datetime, raise an AttributeError if missing __set__: sets the datetime, storing internally as an RFC3339 string """ rfc3339_regex = re.compile( r"^((?:(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})T(\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}(?:\.\d+)?))(Z|[\+-]\d{2}:\d{2})?)$" ) def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._type = (str, datetime.datetime, np.datetime64)
[docs] def _get(self, obj: object, objtype=None) -> datetime.datetime: # Try to get the private attribute by name (e.g. '_datetime') dt = getattr(obj, self.private_name, None) if dt is not None: # Return it if it exists return dt # Otherwise, extract and compute. The attribute should be an RFC3339 string try: dt = self._get_object(obj) dt = isoparse(dt) dt = datetime_to_utc(dt) setattr(obj, self.private_name, dt) except KeyError: if self.default is None: self._attribute_error(objtype) return self.default except Exception: raise ValueError(f"unable to get '{self.public_name}', ") return dt
[docs] def _set(self, obj: object, value: Union[str, datetime.datetime, np.datetime64]) -> None: # Reset the private attribute (e.g. "_datetime") to None setattr(obj, self.private_name, None) setval = None if isinstance(value, str): setval = value elif isinstance(value, datetime.datetime): # Convert to UTC value = datetime_to_utc(value) setval = value.isoformat() elif isinstance(value, np.datetime64): dtstr = np.datetime_as_string(value, timezone=pytz.UTC) dt = isoparse(dtstr) setval = dt.isoformat() else: raise ValueError("unable to set value") self._set_object(obj, setval)
[docs] def _validate(self, obj: object, value: object) -> None: if isinstance(value, str): if not self.rfc3339_regex.match(value): raise ValueError(f"{self.public_name} is not an RFC3339 formatted datetime string") elif isinstance(value, datetime.datetime): # Convert to UTC try: value = datetime_to_utc(value) # I can't think of how this could fail, but it's here just in case except Exception as e: raise ValueError(f"{self.public_name} is an invalid datetime") from e elif isinstance(value, np.datetime64): try: dtstr = np.datetime_as_string(value, timezone=pytz.UTC) isoparse(dtstr) # I can't think of how this could fail, but it's here just in case except Exception as e: raise ValueError(f"{self.public_name} is an invalid datetime64") from e else: raise ValueError( f"{self.public_name} is an invalid datetime, must be string, " "datetime.datetime or numpy.datetime64" )
[docs]class _TimeDeltaDescr(_BaseDescr): """_TimeDeltaDescr is represents a time delta, formatted like: \d+(ms|us|ns|[YMWDhms]){1}" \d+ - one or more digits Y - years M - months W - weeks D - days h - hours m - minutes s - seconds ms - milliseconds us - microseconds ns - nanoseconds If specified by a string, it must be in a single choice of time unit, or can be provided as a datetime.timedelta or numpy.timedelta64 (which will be formatted in whole number seconds) Methods: __get__: returns the string __set__: sets from a string, datetime.timedelta or numpy.timedelta64 """ timedelta_re = re.compile(r"^\d+(ms|us|ns|[YMWDhms]){1}") unit_keys_classes = { "Y": ("years", relativedelta), "M": ("months", relativedelta), "W": ("weeks", relativedelta), "D": ("days", datetime.timedelta), "h": ("hours", datetime.timedelta), "m": ("minutes", datetime.timedelta), "s": ("seconds", datetime.timedelta), "ms": ("milliseconds", datetime.timedelta), "us": ("microseconds", datetime.timedelta), } def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._type = (str, datetime.timedelta, np.timedelta64)
[docs] def _get(self, obj: object, objtype=None) -> str: # Try to get the private attribute by name (e.g. '_datetime') td = getattr(obj, self.private_name, None) if td is not None: # Return it if it exists return td try: td_str = self._get_object(obj) except Exception: raise AttributeError(f"unable to get '{self.public_name}', ") m = self.timedelta_re.match(td_str) unit = value = int(td_str.replace(unit, "")) key = None try: key, _class = self.unit_keys_classes[unit] except KeyError: key, _class = "microseconds", datetime.timedelta value *= 0.001 td = _class(**{key: value}) setattr(obj, self.private_name, td) return td
[docs] def _set(self, obj: object, value: Union[str, datetime.timedelta, np.timedelta64]) -> None: # set the private value back to None setattr(obj, self.private_name, None) v = self._validate(obj, value) self._set_object(obj, v)
[docs] def _validate(self, obj: object, value: object) -> str: if isinstance(value, str): if not self.timedelta_re.match(value): raise ValueError(f"string must match {self.timedelta_re.pattern}") return value elif isinstance(value, datetime.timedelta): return f"{int(value.total_seconds()):d}s" elif isinstance(value, np.timedelta64): return f"{int(value / np.timedelta64(1, 's')):d}s" raise ValueError( f"must be a string, datetime.timedelta or numpy.timedelta64, got {value.__class__.__name__}" )
[docs]class _StringDescr(_BaseDescr): """StringDescr is a string field, raises attribute error if the string isn't set Args: one_of: is a list of possible values this string can be. coerce: stringify whatever the input Methods: __get__: returns the string __set__: sets the string after validating that it is a string/unicode """ def __init__(self, one_of=[], coerce: bool = False, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.one_of = one_of self.coerce = coerce self._type = (str,)
[docs] def _get(self, obj: object, objtype=None) -> str: try: return self._get_object(obj) except KeyError: if self.default is None: self._attribute_error(objtype) return self.default
[docs] def _set(self, obj: object, value: str): self._set_object(obj, str(value))
[docs] def _validate(self, obj: object, value: str) -> None: if self.coerce: value = str(value) if not isinstance(value, str): raise ValueError(f"{self.public_name} must be a str") if self.one_of: if value not in self.one_of: raise ValueError(f'{self.public_name} must be one of {", ".join(self.one_of)}')
[docs]class _IntDescr(_BaseDescr): """IntDescr is an integer field, raises attribute error if the int isn't set Methods: __get__: returns the int __set__: sets the int after validating that it is an int """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._type = (int,)
[docs] def _get(self, obj: object, objtype=None) -> int: try: return self._get_object(obj) except KeyError: if self.default is None: self._attribute_error(objtype) return self.default
[docs] def _set(self, obj: object, value: int): self._set_object(obj, value)
[docs] def _validate(self, obj: object, value: int) -> None: if not isinstance(value, int): raise ValueError(f"{self.public_name} must be an int")
[docs]class _FloatDescr(_BaseDescr): """FloatDescr is an float field, raises attribute error if the float isn't set Methods: __get__: returns the float __set__: sets the float after validating that it is an float """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._type = (float,)
[docs] def _get(self, obj: object, objtype=None) -> float: try: return self._get_object(obj) except KeyError: if self.default is None: self._attribute_error(objtype) return self.default
[docs] def _set(self, obj: object, value: float): self._set_object(obj, float(value))
[docs] def _validate(self, obj: object, value: float) -> None: if not isinstance(value, (float, int)): raise ValueError(f"{self.public_name} must be a float")
[docs]class _NumberDescr(_BaseDescr): """NumberDescr is an numeric field, raises attribute error if the number isn't set Methods: __get__: returns the number __set__: sets the number after validating that it is a number """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._type = (float, int, complex)
[docs] def _get(self, obj: object, objtype=None) -> Union[float, int, complex]: try: return self._get_object(obj) except KeyError: if self.default is None: self._attribute_error(objtype) return self.default
[docs] def _set(self, obj: object, value: Union[float, int, complex]): self._set_object(obj, value)
[docs] def _validate(self, obj: object, value: Union[float, int, complex]) -> None: if not isinstance(value, (int, float, complex)): raise ValueError(f"{self.public_name} must be a number")
[docs]class _BoolDescr(_BaseDescr): """BoolDescr is an bool field, raises attribute error if the bool isn't set Methods: __get__: returns the bool __set__: sets the bool after validating that it is an bool """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._type = (bool,)
[docs] def _get(self, obj: object, objtype=None) -> bool: try: return self._get_object(obj) except KeyError: if self.default is None: self._attribute_error(objtype) return self.default
[docs] def _set(self, obj: object, value: bool): self._set_object(obj, value)
[docs] def _validate(self, obj: object, value: bool) -> None: if not isinstance(value, bool): raise ValueError(f"{self.public_name} must be a bool")
[docs]class _DatetimeIntervalDescr(_BaseDescr): """DatetimeIntervalDescr is a start/end pair which can be specified using either RFC3339 strings datetime.datetime, pandas.Timestamp, or numpy.datetime64 Methods: __get__: returns the datetime interval as a tuple, raise an AttributeError if missing __set__: sets the datetime interval, storing internally as a string of the format '<start>/<end>' where start/end are RFC3339 formatted strings or "..". This is in accordance with the STAC datetime spec """ rfc3339_regex = re.compile( r"^((?:(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})T(\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}(?:\.\d+)?))(Z|[\+-]\d{2}:\d{2})?)$" ) def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._type = (str, tuple, list)
[docs] def _get(self, obj: object, objtype=None) -> tuple: # Try to get the private attribute by name (e.g. '_datetime') dt = getattr(obj, self.private_name, None) if dt is not None: # Return it if it exists return dt try: dt = self._get_object(obj) start_str, end_str = dt.split("/") start = end = None if ".." not in start_str: start = isoparse(start_str) start = datetime_to_utc(start) if ".." not in end_str: end = isoparse(end_str) end = datetime_to_utc(end) setattr(obj, self.private_name, (start, end)) except KeyError: if self.default is None: self._attribute_error(objtype) return self.default except Exception: raise ValueError(f"unable to get '{self.public_name}', ") return (start, end)
[docs] def _set(self, obj: object, value: object) -> None: setattr(obj, self.private_name, None) if isinstance(value, str): start_str, end_str = value.split("/") # Canonicalize the string if start_str != "..": start_str = datetime_to_utc(isoparse(start_str)).isoformat() if end_str != "..": end_str = datetime_to_utc(isoparse(end_str)).isoformat() else: start, end = value if isinstance(start, str): if start == "..": start_str = start else: start_str = datetime_to_utc(isoparse(start)).isoformat() elif isinstance(start, datetime.datetime): start_str = datetime_to_utc(start).isoformat() elif isinstance(start, np.datetime64): start_str = np.datetime_as_string(start, timezone=pytz.UTC) start_str = isoparse(start_str).isoformat() elif start is None: start_str = ".." else: raise ValueError("error setting start datetime, invalid datetime format") if isinstance(end, str): if end == "..": end_str = end else: end_str = datetime_to_utc(isoparse(end)).isoformat() elif isinstance(end, datetime.datetime): end_str = datetime_to_utc(end).isoformat() elif isinstance(end, np.datetime64): end_str = np.datetime_as_string(end, timezone=pytz.UTC) end_str = isoparse(end_str).isoformat() elif end is None: end_str = ".." else: raise ValueError("error setting end datetime, invalid datetime format") self._set_object(obj, f"{start_str}/{end_str}")
[docs] def _validate(self, obj: object, value: object) -> None: if isinstance(value, str): try: start_str, end_str = value.split("/") # Are they RFC3339? if not self.rfc3339_regex.match(start_str) and start_str != "..": raise ValueError("start must be RFC3339 formatted") if not self.rfc3339_regex.match(end_str) and end_str != "..": raise ValueError("end must be RFC3339 formatted") except Exception as e: raise ValueError("datetime as a string must be of the form <start>/<end>") from e elif isinstance(value, (tuple, list)): if len(value) != 2: raise ValueError( "Must provide a start and end datetime. " "Provide None or '..' string if one end is open" ) for i, t in enumerate(value): if isinstance(t, str): if t == "": raise ValueError("string must be either '..' or a valid RFC3339 datetime") if t != ".." and not self.rfc3339_regex.match(t): if i == 0: name = "start" else: name = "end" raise ValueError(f"{name} must be RFC3339 formatted") elif not ( isinstance(t, datetime.datetime) or t is None or isinstance(t, np.datetime64) ): raise ValueError( "not a recognized datetime format. must be either " "python datetime, numpy.datetime64, pandas.Timestamp or string" ) else: raise ValueError(f"invalid datetime interval format {type(value)}")
[docs]class _DTypeDescr(_BaseDescr): """DTypeDescr is a np.dtype field, raises attribute error if dtype is not set Methods: __get__: returns the np.dtype __set__: sets the dtype after validating that it is a dtype, holds internally by its str representation """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._type = (np.dtype, str)
[docs] def _get(self, obj: object, objtype=None) -> np.dtype: try: dt = self._get_object(obj) dt = np.dtype(dt) return dt except KeyError: if self.default is None: self._attribute_error(objtype) return self.default
[docs] def _set(self, obj: object, value: bool): dt = np.dtype(value) dtype_str = dt.descr[0][1] self._set_object(obj, dtype_str)
[docs] def _validate(self, obj: object, value: np.dtype) -> None: if isinstance(value, np.dtype): return else: try: np.dtype(value) except Exception: raise ValueError( f"{self.public_name} must be a np.dtype, python numeric dtype, or valid dtype string/descriptor" )
[docs]class _TypeConstrainedDescr(_BaseDescr): """TypeConstrainedDescr creates an arbitrary field that must be constrained to a specific type Args: type (type): the type you want to constrain this too coerce (bool): the stored/retrieved result will be coerced to the type (or the first type in a tuple of types) Methods: __get__: returns the object as is, AttributeError if missing __set__: sets the object as is, validating against the specified type constraint """ def __init__(self, type, coerce=False, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._type = tuple(type) if isinstance(type, (tuple, list)) else (type,) self.coerce = coerce
[docs] def _get(self, obj: object, objtype=None) -> float: try: return self._get_object(obj) except KeyError: if self.default is None: self._attribute_error(objtype) return self.default
[docs] def _set(self, obj: object, value: object): if self.coerce: if isinstance(self._type, (tuple, list)): _type = self._type[0] else: _type = self._type if isinstance(value, dict): value = _type(**value) else: value = _type(value) self._set_object(obj, value)
[docs] def _validate(self, obj: object, value: object) -> None: if not isinstance(value, self._type): raise ValueError(f"{self.public_name} must be a {self._type}, got {type(value)}")
supported_schemes = ("http", "https")
[docs]class _URLDescr(_StringDescr): """A URL string that is checked to be a valid URL. Inherits from :class:`_StringDescr<geodesic.descriptors._StringDescr>` for all methods except validate. Methods: __get__: Returns the validated URL string __set__: Check that its a valid URL and set the URL as a string """
[docs] def _validate(self, obj: object, value: str) -> None: super()._validate(obj, value) parsed = urlparse(value) if parsed.scheme not in supported_schemes: raise ValueError( f"only schemes {', '.join(supported_schemes)} are supported, got {parsed.scheme}" ) if parsed.netloc == "": raise ValueError(f"url {value} had an empty network location")


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