
This module is used to access the Entanglement service. It is an API that represents service data structures as well as functions used for getting and sending data to Entanglemnt. For an overview of how Entanglement represents data see Entanglement Overview and for basic usage examples see Entanglement Examples.

Object Classes and Utilities#

These are classes that are used to represent Objects and connections that are in the Entanglement service.


Object represents a node in a graph in Entanglement.









Connection(*conn_tuple, **conn)

A Connection is a relationship between two objects.

Object Utility Functions#

These functions are used to interact with Entanglement Objects,Connections and Predicates.

get_objects(*[, search, version_datetime, ...])

Search for objects in Entanglement.

add_objects(objects[, project, batch_size, ...])

Add new nodes or update existing nodes.

delete_objects(objects_or_uids[, project, ...])

Delete objects by providing a list of objects or just their UIDs.

add_connections(connections[, overwrite, ...])

Adds connections given a list of triples (Connection objects).

delete_connections(connections[, project, ...])

Deletes connections given a list of triples (Connection objects).

get_traits([traits, refresh])

Gets all registered traits and their predicates.

get_predicates([trait, refresh])

Gets all registered predicate names (with no trait information).

add_predicates(trait, predicates)

Add predicate definitions to Entanglement.

Dataset Classes and Utilities#

Datasets area a special type of Entanglement Object that are used to represent data. They store the metadata that Boson needs to provide decentralized data access.


Allows interaction with SeerAI datasets.

DatasetList(datasets[, names])

Dataset Utility Functions#

get_dataset(name[, project, version_datetime])

gets a Dataset from Entanglement by name

get_datasets([names, search, project, ...])

searchs/returns a list of Datasets from Entanglement based on the user's query

list_datasets([names, search, project, ...])

Deprecated in 1.0.0

Graph Representation#

The Graph class allows you to get Entanglement Objects and Connections as a networkx graph locally.

Graph([data, nodes, edges, project])