

class geodesic.account.tokens.Token(**token)[source]

Bases: geodesic.bases._APIObject

The token class represents the share tokens created when a user shares a dataset through Ted


**token – values corresponding to the token and the dataset it shares


(str) - unique 32-bit token created by Ted and used to access a shared dataset

Descriptor: _StringDescr


(str) - the servicer of the dataset shared by the token

Descriptor: _StringDescr


(str) - the dataset shared by the token

Descriptor: _StringDescr


(str) - the project of the dataset shared by the token

Descriptor: _StringDescr


(str) - the remaining time in seconds until the token expires

Descriptor: _StringDescr

property url: str

Returns the URL that can be used to access a datset shared through Ted on the current environment


requests.HTTPErrror for fault


the URL to access the token in question

property feature_service_url: str

gets a url to an GeoServices FeatureService

Returns a URL pointing to a feature service that can be used in ArcGIS.

DEPRECATED: use get_feature_service_url instead

property image_service_url: str

gets a url to an GeoServices ImageService

Returns a URL pointing to an image service that can be used in ArcGIS.

DEPRECATED: use get_image_service_url instead

property vector_tile_service_url: str

gets a url to an GeoServices VectorTileService

Returns a URL pointing to a vector tile service that can be used in ArcGIS.

DEPRECATED: use get_vector_tile_service_url instead


gets a url to an GeoServices VectorTileService


service_name (Optional[str]) – an optional service name to use in place of the dataset name

Returns a URL pointing to a vector tile service that can be used in ArcGIS.


gets a url to an GeoServices ImageService


service_name (Optional[str]) – an optional service name to use in place of the dataset name

Returns a URL pointing to an image service that can be used in ArcGIS.


gets a url to an GeoServices FeatureService


service_name (Optional[str]) – an optional service name to use in place of the dataset name

Returns a URL pointing to a feature service that can be used in ArcGIS.

get_ogc_vector_tile_url(collection=None, tile_matrix_set_id='WebMercatorQuad', tile_matrix_id='z', row_name='y', col_name='x', format='mvt')[source]

gets a url to an OGC API: Tiles service

Returns a URL pointing to a vector tile service that can be used in web mapping.

get_ogc_raster_tile_url(collection=None, tile_matrix_set_id='WebMercatorQuad', tile_matrix_id='z', row_name='y', col_name='x', format='png', tile_path='coverage/tiles')[source]

gets a url to an OGC API: Tiles service

Returns a URL pointing to a raster tile service that can be used in web mapping.

get_feature_layer_url(layer_id=0, service_name=None)[source]

gets a url to an GeoServices Feature Layer

Returns a URL pointing to a layer that can directly be used in ArcGIS.

  • layer – the layer ID to expose

  • service_name (Optional[str]) – an optional service name to use in place of the dataset name


a URL to to layer

feature_layer_url(layer_id=0, service_name=None)

Deprecated in 1.0.0

gets a url to an GeoServices Feature Layer

Returns a URL pointing to a layer that can directly be used in ArcGIS.


layer: the layer ID to expose service_name: an optional service name to use in place of the dataset name


a URL to to layer


Update the time to live of a token in redis


ttl (int) – the amount of seconds before the token should expire. Valid values are either -1, representing an infinite token life, or n, where 0 < n <= 2147483647.


requests.HTTPErrror for fault

Note: If successful, nothing is returned.


Expires an active token created by the user, revoking access from anyone using the token


requests.HTTPErrror for fault

Note: If successful, nothing is returned. Deleting a non-existent token does not raise an error.


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